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Excellent Gymnast Horizontal Stretched Ye Geer And Swivel 360 ° Technical Movement Kinematics Analysis

Posted on:2013-07-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330377955022Subject:Human Movement Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The purpose of this study was to determine the reasons of Zhou andZhang’s failure in performing stretched Jaeger and stretched Jaeger with one twist;reveal the kinematic characteristics of Zou’s successful performing, and reveal the keyfactors of developing stretched Jaeger with one twist based on stretched Jaeger. In thequalifiers and the Finals of the horizontal bar of2011National GymnasticsChampionships in China, the movements of Zou, Zhou and Zhang were recorded usingtwo video cameras, three-dimensional digital analysis was employed in this study. Themain conclusions are as follows:(1) The insufficient hip extension and knee flexion during the upswing phase, lowhorizontal velocity of ankles at release moment, the premature release, and the high,relatively outward horizontal velocity of the CG at the release moment were the mainreasons that led to Zhou and Zhang’s failure in performing.(2) The kinematic characteristics of Zou’s successful performing:Sufficient hip extension (stretched:217°, twist:216°) and knee flexion (stretched:153°, twist:155°) were showed during the upswing phase, the vertical distance of CG tothe bar were0.78m for stretched and0.82m for twist respectively. When performing thestretched Jaeger, the horizontal velocities of his ankles were higher (left:-2.15m/s, right:-2.20m/s), the release angle was5.86°and the center of gravity (CG) was above the bar,the horizontal and vertical velocities during the release were-0.17m/s and3.69m/s, takeoff angle was92.58°, and the body flight direction was inward; When performing thestretched Jaeger with one twist, the horizontal velocities of his ankles were-2.16m/s forleft and-1.23m/s for right, he released his left hand4ms after releasing the right hand,the release angle was3.49°and the center of gravity (CG) was above the bar, thehorizontal and vertical velocities during the release were-0.12m/s and4.36m/s, take offangle was91.58°, and the body flight direction was also inward.(3) The key factors of developing stretched Jaeger with one twist based on stretchedJaeger:In the upswing phase, improve the upswing speed of lower limbs to create agreater vertical velocity of CG at release moment, the upswing velocity of left limbshould be faster than right limb, keep sufficient hip extension and knee flexion atrelease moment to reduce vertical distance of CG to the bar, the low limbs must swingupward and inward with a appropriate velocity, release when the CG moves above thebar with a with a appropriate horizontal velocity; Released the left hand after releasingthe right hand; In the flight phase flex the hip gradually and keep0.25s in the range of180°to160°. When somersault3/4circle and twist270°, extend upper limbs and hip forre-grasp.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kinematics, Horizontal bar, Somersault With Twist
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