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Research On The Interdisciplinary Organization Of The Security For Operation In Research-oriented Universities

Posted on:2012-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330374995835Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As mankind enters the21st century, scientific development shows a trend of integration, social issues are also increasingly complex, single discipline has been unable to resolve the endless stream of new issues. The crossover and communication between disciplines provide a new way of thinking to new issues of the solution. Interdisciplinary organization becomes important position of original technology. Research-oriented universities based on their complete disciplines, strong advantage of the integrated cross, excellent research facilities and equipment turn into the main carrier of interdisciplinary organization that relying on. Interdisciplinary organization running smoothly can not be without a range of security as a basis.In the premise of grasping the basic operational situation of interdisciplinary organization, according to their weak link construct the security for operation.It has great significance to the sustainable development of Interdisciplinary organization and enhance competitiveness and technology Innovation of research-oriented universities.Interdisciplinary organization of research-oriented universities is an universal forms of interdisciplinary organization. This paper take it as the research object, research the security for operation.Based on the explaining the relevant background, significance and summarized results of previous studies, definiting the concept of research-oriented universities, Interdisciplinary and Interdisciplinary organizations firstly.Then explain the theoretical basis of its operation and its operating characteristics, revealing the necessity of the research. Find out the operation problems and the reasons to prblems of interdisciplinary organization afterfully aware of its status. At the same time learn and to use for reference the valuable experience of interdisciplinary organization security for operation from MIT, Tokyo University and the Technical University of Berlin. Finally with the actual situation, depthly probe the construction of interdisciplinary organization’s operational security in research-oriented universities from5aspects that is the organizational security,policy security, financial security, cultural security and talents security...
Keywords/Search Tags:Research-oriented universities, Interdisciplinary organization, Security
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