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Investigation And Analysis Of Efficient Questioning In High School Biology Classroom And Its Countermeasures

Posted on:2013-05-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330374452159Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Classroom questioning, acting as the most frequently used instructional tool, plays acrucial role in achieving the goals of classroom teaching. However, a certain number ofdefects in classroom questioning, including asking excess, extremely difficult, or randomquestions, result in a decrease in teaching efficiency. Therefore, how to improve the efficiencyof classroom questioning should be a significative research project. Here, a combination ofquestionnaire, classroom observation and interview is used to characterize the pivotalelements leading to the generation of low-level questions, and explore the countermeasures foracquiring effective classroom questioning.Our research results demonstrate that the main factors affecting the efficiency of teachers’classroom questioning are as follows: firstly, teachers don’t sufficiently understand the aim toquestioning and the concept of efficient questions;Secondly, teachers don’t make enoughpreparation for questioning before class;Thirdly, some defects are found in terms of thearrangement for question types, questioning manners, waiting time, answerback, etc; Lastly,teachers could not properly self-examine the efficiency of their questions after class.In order to obtain the efficient questions, teachers should employ the reasonablecountermeasures es presented in this study. Teachers should elaborately design class questionsbased on the aim of questioning and the means of question asking. Then teachers shouldselect proper asking time and manners, right questioning means, reasonablewaiting time and answerback. Finally, teacher should dissect the faults in their classroomquestioning after class.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school biology, classroom questioning, efficient questioning
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