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On The Legal Status Of Owners’ Committee In China

Posted on:2014-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D J ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper the legal status of Owners Committee launched a research problem. Inthe research train of thought, from the owners of the committee the basic definition andthe owner autonomous basic theoretical foundation, study overseas and our countryHongkong, Taiwan areas of the legislation, the legal status and legal entity from theprogram status two angle undertook elaborating, put forward to build and perfect ourowner committee system recommendations. In research methods, by means ofcomparative research, practice analysis and other methods, the related theory and thejudicial practice,and strive to make the conclusion more persuasive.In this paper, the main content is divided into five parts.The first part mainly owners committee, owners of autonomy conceptcharacteristic as well as the theoretical basis of the property owners committee in Chinato produce, development relates to the owners of the Committee of the basic problem isdiscussed.The second part mainly inspects each country or area owners of the legal status ofthe legislation, the Anglo-American law system focuses on the United States andChina’s Hongkong region, civil law focuses on France, Germany, Japan, on the basis ofcomparison and analysis, we get three points from and conclusion.The third part of our country the house-owners Committee legal status issues,analysis of several academic point of view, the main criteria were summarized, andcombined with our owners committee work, put forward to in the unincorporatedorganizations, and " other organizations " category.The fourth part of our owners committee procedure legal status of the entity andprocedure, analysis of status relationship, on the owners committee in China Program oflegal status of judicial practice makes a comprehensive analysis and research, and putforward the thought of the construction of. The fifth part from the owners of the committee to run a mechanism, litigationrights, legal liability of owners committee in China legislative work put forward theproposal.
Keywords/Search Tags:Owners’ Committee, Legal Status, Entity, Program
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