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The Local Tax Department Of The Independent Commission Against Risk Control Management

Posted on:2013-09-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M S LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395989961Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The problem of corruption is a national common problem, along with China’s rapid economic development, corruption has also intensified.As an important part of the state tax department, responsible for the administration of state taxes, to regulate the heavy responsibility of the national economy, and high-risk nature of the industry decided to tax the industry to become one of the corruption in high incidence.The tax department to build a clean government, the leadership of the National Tax Administration of considerable attention.And requiring all tax departments to seriously investigate and punish cases of violation of law and discipline, and do the right supervision, do a good job specific work, and vigorously promote the construction of party conduct and political popularity of wind.Work in practice, these measures are often unable to perform in place.Thus limiting the local tax department to carry out anti-corruption efforts.The local tax department of the Independent Commission Against risk control management based on risk management and total quality management theory as the theoretical basis to fault tree, flow chart for the research methods and committed to build the operating mode for the tax department PDCA cycle.In order to establish a rational, scientific, and operability of the sustainable development of the Independent Commission Against risk control system.This article is divided into four parts.The first part of the introduction, a brief description of the background and significance of topics, literature review, to define the core concepts and the research methods, writing frameworks and innovation.The second part of a comprehensive exposition of the theory of risk management, the origin of the theory of total quality management theory and research tool in the fault tree, flow chart, the PDCA Deming ring.And summarizes the relevant laws and regulations as legal support.The third part of the analysis of the local tax department of the Independent Commission Against risk causes. Specific description of the the ICAC risk prevention and control management to the IRS operation in Hongshan District, Wuhan, citing the difficulties may be encountered in actual operation Solutions, summed up the implementation of the program’s effectiveness and innovation.Part IV, I, on the basis of adhering to the principle of the work throughout the ICAC risk prevention and control of the Independent Commission Against risk points to find conduct in-depth research. Combined with the PDCA Deming ring of total quality management approach to build for risk control model in the local tax department ICAC.On this basis, this paper proposes a number of recommendations supplement the local tax departments Independent risk control model.Explore the local tax department Independent risk control model, and only anti-corruption methods of innovation, more conceptual, institutional, procedural innovation.Concept, so that passive monitoring is to take the initiative.Rational understanding of the tax department employees. In the system, which restricts the power, sound system, to circumvent the law enforcement risk, law enforcement and security to ensure that the tax department staff. In the program, combined with the workflow and requirements of the job responsibilities of tax officials, to develop a more rational and effective work procedures.Method,"human" monitor mode conversion from the traditional mode of supervision to improve the utilization of computer network.Greatly reducing the corruption due to human factors.The local tax departments Independent risk control model, education and prevention and control system of supervision and management, self-discipline and his law of the perfect combination to form a large prevention work pattern.And in the end of the article, from the level of system construction,the level of power supervision and the level of the Independent Commission Against culture present a number of recommendations for the relevant authorities for reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:local tax departments, the ICAC risk, prevention and control management
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