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A Study Of Protection For Right Of Letters And Visits From The Perspective Of The Politics Of The People’s Livelihood

Posted on:2013-11-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395988516Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The letters and visits system is a typical grassroots system, its design concept andoperation of the process tend to the protection of the public, the center of gravity of the lettersand visits work is gradually transferred to the grassroots,grassroots letters and visits tobecome the main partions of the whole mechanisms,so we can grasp the true face of thecurrent letters and visits if only we make careful investigation.In recent years, with sustained"letters and visits peak" and citizens frequently leapfrog to visit Beijing, letters and visitsbecome more and more prominent, while the event of the violations of petitioner’s letters andvsits rights occur frequently, the "mental illness "event and "An Yuan Ding" event to detainedpetitioners touched the nerve of the author again and again.What’s the model of grass-rootsgovernment’s letters and visits work in the end? Why should there to be so many seriousincidents about the violations of the rights of the petitioner? What factors affect the validity ofpetitioner’s exercise of the right to letters and visits? To answer these questions, we must havea panoramic view of the work of grassroots letters and visits. Now domestic academicresearch on grass-roots letters and visits is very little, especially the lack of empirical research,I selected Gaoyi County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, my hometown as the inspectionobject, on the one hand, the majority of the letters and visits come from the grassrootsl, so theletters and visits th work should be based on the grassroots, the grass-roots letters andvisits work has played an irreplaceable role in contact with the masses and listen to theirvoices. Grassroots letters and visits work is an important source of party and governmentlegitimacy, once the grassroots letters and visits work can’t be done well, the foundation ofpolitical rule will also be affected. On the other hand, Gao Yi County is the hometown ofmine, so it is facilitate to a good grasp of the situation of the letters and visits work, inaddition,the related resources are abundant and the internal data access is also relativelyconvenient.This article is to discuss the problem of the grassroots letters and visits from theprospective of the politics of the people’s livelihood, which to be the historicalbackground.Livelihood issues are a major highlight of this year’s government work report, thevalues and ideals of the people’s livelihood is to protect the rights,fairness and justice, people’slivelihood and politics have emerged as a political model. Political in this sense is neitherpower politics, nor the interests of political, more is not a political struggle, but a politics of people’s livelihood, this kind of politics not only include people’s basic necessities of life,butalso include the dignity, responsibility and rights.The author believes that the letters and visits right is one of the fundamental rights of thebasic citizen rights which have the legal basis and the constitutional origin.The protection ofthe right to letters and visits can help to establish a good image of the government,to maintainsocial harmony and to improve the government and people to make good communication.This paper uses a method to combine theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, through theanalysis of Gaoyi County’s letters and visits mode,we try to understand the effectiveness ofthe exercise of the right of letters and visits, then make relevant recommendations.This article consists of the following sections:the introduction part,this part consists ofthe theoretical and practical significance of this topic,research status, researchframework,research methods, research innovation and related concepts. The first part is theresearch summary about the letters and visits home home and abroad.In the second part,aglance of Gaoyi county’s letters and visits work:firstly, we discuss the background:the politicsof the people’s livelihood and the necessity of the study under this background;thenfollowed by a brief discussion of Gaoyi County petition work.The thirdly part,the validity ofthe letters and visits right, this part is the top priority, the first partion is about the letters andvisits work of Gao Yi County, Hebei Province and its innovation, then Gaoyi County lettersand visits modes are divided into obligation to solve model, negotiated settlement mode,leadership model, delays and maintenance of stability mode followed by specificcase.thirdly,the paper discuss the three aspects include interests, resources, politicalconstraints which affect the effectiveness of exercises of the letters and visits right.In theend,the we conclude the author’s point of view.The fourth part,the construction of the lettersand visits right safeguard mechanism from the perspective of the people’s livelihood,theauthor discusses the people’s livelihood and safeguard mechanisms, social supervisionmechanism,the right relief mechanisms and learning the debugging mechanism to givesuggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:The politics of people’s livelihood, The right of letters andvisits, Security, Validity
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