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Criminal Correction From The Perspective Of Public Security

Posted on:2013-08-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395973148Subject:Punishment law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with more and more attention that the society pays to the publicsecurity, the recidivism of the person released upon completion of a sentence hasgradually become a social hotspot. The public start to pay attention to thecriminal-correcting work in the prison. Meanwhile, with the increasing purificationof the functions of the prison, how to prevent the persons released upon completionof a sentence from recommitting a crime and to improve the quality of the criminalcorrection have become the core contents of the prison. Thus, the research of thecriminal correction is not only the needs of the prison in the new era, it has also veryimportant social and political significance for our country which has prominentsocial contradictions in the transition period. Due to the custom of heavy sentenceand light supervision that has been formed in a long time, in addition to the closureof the traditional prisons, the correction work of the criminals has been drifting awayfrom the main research system. The research lacks support of real evidences thoughit has been done. Though there are a lot of researches carried out inside the prison,they often focus on the interior practice without the support of the theoretical systemand they have also the biggest drawback of the disjunction of the society and thereality. Under the current situation, how to improve the criminal correction qualityfrom the aspect of the public security, reduce the recidivism rate of the personsreleased upon the completion of a sentence and play the legal, political and social functions of the prison has become a proposition urgently to be solved.Surrounding the issue of the criminal correction in prison, this article is dividedinto four parts from the aspect of public security: correction and public security,criminal correction is a large system, criminal correction is a happy reunion andcriminal correction needs great wisdom.The first part makes analysis on the relationship between the concept of thecriminal correction and public security. It sets forth the contents and meaning of thecriminal correction and looks back the history of the criminal correction in theprisons of China. The improvement of the criminal correction is required by manykinds of backgrounds of modern society. Only the criminal correction in prison iscarried out from the perspective of public security can the purpose of reducing therecidivism rate of the released persons be achieved.The second part makes analysis on the systematicness of the current criminalcorrection. It points out the correction system of the criminal has not been validlyformed, which greatly affects the correction effect on the criminals. We should startfrom the systematic theory of the public security, take the criminal correction as avery important section of public security, establish complete legal system of criminalcorrection, reconstruct the criminal-correcting system in the prison for the purposeof qualified social persons and place the criminal-correcting system in the largecriminal-correcting system of the society.The third part comes up with the idea that criminal correction is a happyreunion. Sort and correct the relationship between subjects and make analysis on themeaning of the happy reunion of the criminal correction. I am of the opinion that wehave to establish the pattern of happy reunion if the quality of the criminal correct isrequired to be improved.The fourth part comes up with the methods and wisdom for further improvingthe criminal correction. Analyze the currently existing problems relating to the idea,team and methods of criminal correction and put forward with the idea that criminalcorrection requires great wisdom.In a word, instructed by the theory of public security and combining actual work in the prison and the current situations of criminal correction, this articlemakes analysis on the problems existing in the current criminal correction and putsforward suggestions and measures from the requirement of whole public securityand the perspective of how to improve the criminal correction and reduce therecidivism rate of the person released upon completion of a sentence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public security, Criminal correction, Large system, Happy reunion, Great Wisdom
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