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The Research On The Rights Of Citizens As The Body Of Administrative Accountability System

Posted on:2013-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395972041Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Protecting the subjective right of citizens is the core as improving theeffectiveness in the process of accountability which citizens take part in. It is usefulto encourage people to act an actively role in accountability to promotemulti-stakeholder and multi-governance of public management. Also,it isconducive to safeguarding the citizens of their own rights and the public interests.As a part of the body of administrative accountability,the rights protection forpeople is an important guarantee for the full realization of the value of allogeneicaccountability. The article is written by a line that is identifying,analyzing,andgiving solutions. Through checking literatures,using comprehensive analysis,it triesto explain relevant issues. As a main content of administrativeaccountability,citizens have the right to know,to say,and to meet the demands ofrights protection.These rights can be exercised through a variety of ways,forexample,electing authorities,formating civic organizations,or using mass media.However,in reality,due to some objective or subjective reasons,such as people’slimited awareness and ability,participation’s poor access, government’s imperfectresponsibility systems and the lack of protection for people’s personal security,these rights have not been fully realized. The paper suggests that we should take measures to mobilize citizens to participate the administrativeaccountability,improve their skills and abilities,expand channels for citizenparticipation,establish the government’s response mechanisms, improve protectionmechanisms for whistleblowers.By these ways,China’s administrativeaccountability mechanisms will be further improved and the public interest will bemore efficiently and effectively protected.
Keywords/Search Tags:administrative accountability, citizen participation, rights ofcitizens
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