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The Rural Complaint Problems And Measures In TanfangTown Of Qingzhoucity

Posted on:2012-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C F QieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395965721Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the deepening of rural reform, interest changes and many new contradictions and new problems continue to emerge through the petition. The petition has been the primary means of internal contradictions. Therefore, the petition work in rural areas has become an important part of the petition work. Petition work in rural areas does good job in building a harmonious society.Recently,the amount of rural petition is leapfrop petition in Tanfang Town of Qingzhou City. By empirical case study of the petition, visiting petitioners people, participating in treated cases of village committee cadres petition, district cadres, the town Letters and Visits Office, judicial staff and the higher the relevant departments of the staff,and by study the petition in Qingzhou Tan fangzhen in past two years to understand the farmers’ petition epitomized the hot and difficult problems, and classification summary. First, from a statistical point of view of the petition presented the characteristics of rural areas, from the contents of the petition to reflect the amount of financial conflicts of interest a high proportion of the high proportion of leapfrog petition, the petition reflects the strong group, the causation of the petition ia complexity. Letters from Tan fangzhen reflect the characteristics of rural areas, and then summed Tan fangzhen problems in dealing with complaints in rural areas, mainly the lack of rural grass-roots credibility, including the lack of grass roots credibility of the judiciary and the lack of grass roots credibility of the executive branch, also reflects the the rural grass-roots petition mechanism is not perfect. Petition mechanisms in rural areas, the lack of complaint authorities capable workforce through letters and visits between the department and other departments, the lack of effective coordination mechanism, and in the petition lack of incentives led to a certain person is not willing to engage in petition letters.and visits. Petition reflects the problems of rural development in the conflict, the strongest response to the peasants for land disputes, village-level management (including village-level financial, economic and other village officials), cadres’ work style issues.Petition analysis problems, the most fundamental is how to petition for the problems, sort out the source of contradiction, the contradiction petition work by reducing the point, in order to achieve the rapid development of new rural areas, maintain the real interests of the farmers. Tan fangzhen petition to reflect the new rural construction in rural areas most in need of improvement are:(1) the existing management mechanisms in rural areas, particularly in management and restraint mechanisms village cadres, cadres of reward and punishment mechanism, the rural financial government management mechanism;(2) farmers’ ideas understanding, especially for very little understanding of policy decision-making process;(3) the need to strengthen ideological education, information disclosure and poor. For dealing with complaints and problems of rural issues reflected petition, combined with practical work experience, this article suggests an early warning system through the establishment of rural petition, petition the end of the progressive introduction of three other standardized system of the petition system in rural areas, increase government departments supervision in order to resolve conflicts from the source, a sound management system and development of village collective economy to expand grassroots management efficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural petition, the interests of farmers, management mechanism
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