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Transition Period Based On Local Attached To Farmers In The Moral Education Research

Posted on:2012-11-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395964152Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The counties in China have undergone tremendous changes after thirty years" reform and opening-up policy. The main character of these changes is that the country becomes the urban while the farmer becomes the citizen. In this transformation, the traditional village is disappearing and the farmer is moving to the building in the city, also the way of traditional habit of life is changing. All of this is swallowing the fanners’spirit and traditional morality. The farmer, who has lost the land, has to go to the city to do some work. So, there are’spring transport’,’farmer-workers’ and ’the school for the farmer-workers’in Chinese dictionary. The fanner, who has the background of farm but lives in the city, finds the life in the city is different from the life in the field finally. They also find they can only find safety and freedom in the country. Though living in the city, they miss the way of country and the traditional morality in the country, and that affects them greatly. When facing the construction of new countries, how to improve the fanners’ moralityeducation is a big problem for each expert. In order to have a clear understanding of this problem, I choose this topic and analyze it and try to find the way for the farmers’education of morality.First, I introduce the background and the meaning of my topic, including the studies that masters had got the object, the studying methods and the creation of my research. In Chapter One, I analyze the meaning of the love about the country, and put forward the trap of the farmers facing the changing society. In Chapter Two. I have done a survey about my topic based on a common village in China, called dengzhuang. I analyze the farmers’ love about the country and its effects on farmers’ morality. After analize six elements’ affect on fanners morality, I try to find a way to help farmers to get rid of the difficulties in morality. In Chapter Three, I analyze the farmers’morality from the view of countries’ civilization and education. Here I also do a comparation about the lifestyle between city and country. In the last chapter, I call for the realization of countries and the value of the farmers’ morality education, and point the future of farmers’ countries’ morality education.
Keywords/Search Tags:farmer, country, miss of the countries, morality education
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