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Small Loan Company The Perfection Of Legal System

Posted on:2013-04-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H HuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Micro-credit company in China has been a new member of financial system in recent years, as a newly-born rural financial organization, Micro-credit company is striking the balance between the basic goal of serving agriculture, rural areas and farmers and realizing the commercial operation in order to keep the sustainable development. As an effective way of poverty alleviation and a kind of financial innovation has gone through more than10years’experience in China in the experiment, the demonstration and promotion process. By late November2011, the number of China’s micro-credit company has exceeded4000, covering all the provinces throughout China. The rise and the rapid development of micro-credit company has been affecting and changing our economic and social life, but a series of problems with its development gradually revealed. the paper undertakes to the deeply studies of the legal system of China’s micro-credit company, in order to perfect the law system of micro-finance.This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is about the general introduction of micro-credit company, such as the concepts, the characteristics, the development background of micro-credit company and the domestic and international development. The second part is to make a contrast, analyze the legislative experience in China and foreign micro-finance as well as the shortcomings of the legal system. The third part is to reveal problems in the system, comment in detail on the law and system constraints of the company in the process of the development. The fourth part is about the suggestions to perfect and innovate micro-finance company law system, including legal status, supervision system, management system and so on. In order to remove the obstacle in law and system, for the development of the company, it is of great importance for the companies to serve the agriculture, rural areas and farmers well.
Keywords/Search Tags:Micro-credit, agriculture, rural areas and farmers, law system
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