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The General Agreement On Trade In Services Under The Framework Of Telecommunication Service Law Studies

Posted on:2013-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y YuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the Uruguay Round, WTO members have reached a set of multilateral agreements based on the framework of The Agreement on Telecommunication Trade Service. These agreements promote the continuous development of the telecommunication market in the world and the process of liberalization of telecommunications in the world is deepening.The dissertation which analyzes the legal regulation of international trade in the telecommunication service is based on the background that China has joined the WTO and made commitments for the Trade in Telecommunication Service. Combined with the interpretation of the WTO Panel on the first case of trade in telecommunication services-Telecommunication case of Mexico and USA, the article analyzes the status and direction of development of China’s telecommunication service and finally, gives the countermeasures based on the China’s commitments and the problems of China’s telecommunication service.The dissertation is composed of four parts. Chapter1introduces the concept and the characteristics of telecommunication service trade and the world telecommunication service development overview. Chapter2analyzes the legal regulation of international trade in the telecommunication service. International trade in telecommunication service is regulated by a series of agreements, including "General Agreement on Trade in Service","GATS telecommunication service attachments","GAST Fourth Protocol (the Agreement on Basic Telecommunications)"and "the reference paper on telecommunications management" Chapter3focuses on the basic principles, such as the telecommunication service market access, telecommunication interoperability and competition protection. Chapter4puts forward in the direction of China’s telecommunication reform according to the problem of China’s telecommunication industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trade in basic telecommunications, servicesMarket, access Interconnection, Competitive safeguards
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