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On The British Diplomacy With Germany,1919-1933

Posted on:2014-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395495367Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Entente Powers met in Paris to dispose the defeated countries after the First World War. As one of the main victors, Britain agreed to punish Germany for its own benefits. But based on the consideration of practical interests and the balance of powers, Britain was also opposed to discipline Germany strictly. Henceforth, Britain carried out a policy to support Germany. Britain strongly disapproved of French intention to break up Germany at Paris Peace Conference. Britain inclined to reduce, even to cancel the Reparations, so German economy could recover quickly. To reestablish the balance of power in the Continent, Britain was active to assist Germany to resume a great power, which was obvious in Locarno Treaty and Germany entrance into the League.With the help of Britain, Germany soon became an important nation before1929that desired to smash the chain brought by the Treaty of Versailles. Germany stopped to pay any reparations in the Great Depression which got the help from Britain. In1932the Disarmament Conference, Germany even claimed the Equality of Right in armament. Faced with the fact that German had exited the Conference, Britain was reluctant to compromise, and then compelled France to meet German demand in armament. In conclusion, with the guidance of Equipollence, Britain gave aid to German before Hitler became the new German Chancellor. This paper is divided into three chapters to discuss the British diplomacy with Germany,1919-1939. Chapter one expounds British diplomacy with Germany from World War I to the Ruhr Crisis. In the Conference, Britain wanted to conclude a modest and fair treaty to punish Germany. Britain held a tolerant attitude on the question of Reparation while France stuck to get high indemnity as much as possible.Chapter two refers to how Britain boosted Germany to revive in political and economical status. Under the pressure from Britain and America, France agreed to solve the question of Reparation by an international experts committee. The Dawes Plan and Young Plan made it possible for Germany to recover in1920s. The Locarno Treaty promoted by Britain guaranteed a rise of Germany status in international society. German entered into the League even more marked the restoration of the nation as a major power.Chapter three introduces British Foreign policy on Weimar Germany before its subversion. When the Great Depression broke out, Britain successfully cancel all the reparations. However, a strong but dissatisfied Germany desired to break up the bondage imposed by the victors, so it claim its equality of rights in armament when the Disarmament Conference started in1932. Germany exited the Conference when its demand did not meted, which caused Britain felt anxiety. Britain was reluctant to approve Germany claim at last.On the whole, British balance of power, on some extant, promoted Germany and gave it a chance to become an aggressive nation. And this perhaps becomes one of the factors of the World War Ⅱ.
Keywords/Search Tags:Britain, Germany, Foreign Policy
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