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The Role And Mechanism Of Government Information Releasing In Public Opinions Of Crisis Events

Posted on:2013-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S W YangFull Text:PDF
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Facing the diversification of public opinions, the informationdissemination speed and form are changing at a rapid speed. So theguiding role of government in public opinions becomes particularly moreimportant. Especially in the spread of crisis events, the informationreleasing of government is not only related to the stability of publicopinions and smoothly solving crises, but also plays a key role in thegovernment image and social harmony.In this paper, we use the classical theories of communication toanalyze typical cases by sampling. Through the ways of data collecting,concluding, and refining, we aim to explore the role and mechanism ofgovernment information releasing in public opinions of crisis events. Andthe result of the exploration is to form the organizational structure ofgovernment information releasing, improve the speed and efficiency ofthe control of public opinions in crisis events, and maintain the credibilityof the government, which could form a good opinion orienting, avoid the error message guiding, and provide strong support for building aharmonious society.The first part is the introduction, which explains the importance ofgovernment information releasing in guiding public opinions in crisisevents, and describes the research status of the problem, as well as thetheoretical basis of this study, paper structure and research methods.The second part starts at the survey of the government informationreleasing in our country, and it is to introduce the present condition ofinformation releasing in traditional press conference and in internet,showing the new forms of information releasing in modern society, thenew opportunities brought by network spokesman as well as the newrequirements for government information releasing.The third part is to clarify the crisis communication and other relatedconcepts. And it mainly explains the matters needing attention ofinformation releasing in crisis events, as well as the differences betweenthe normal information releasing and information releasing in crisisevents. And then, it also requires some special measures of information releasing in crisis events.In the fourth part, we use the strike events of Chongqing taxi in2008as a case study to do some analysis, combining with the Stage AnalysisTheory and the Image Repair Theory. With data collection, detailedanalysis, and summarized evaluation, we get the conclusion of the effectand the influence of Chongqing government’s information releasing inguiding public opinions in this taxi strike event. It is the ways of updatinginformation in time, live broadcast of press conference by television andother measures that make Chongqing government’s information play anessential role in guiding public opinions and stabilizing society.The Fifth part takes "723Yong-wen serious railway accidents in2011as a case study to do some analysis, combining with the stageanalysis theory and the image repair theory. With data collecting, detailsanalyzing and results evaluating, we get the conclusion of the effect andthe influence of information releasing of the Ministry of Railways and therelevant departments in this accident in guiding public opinions. Althoughthe Ministry of Railways and the relevant departments hold the press conferences to answer the public questions, however, the information ofthe Ministry of Railways and the relevant departments do not cometimely, and the professional quality of the spokesman needs improve. Atlast, it concludes that the information releasing of government is useful tostop the rumors and stabilize social emotion.The sixth part introduces the condition of information releasing offoreign countries by examples of “September11attacks” and American“Hurricane Katrina”.The seventh part is followed by the forth part, the fifth part and thesixth part. With the summarization and refining of the cases, we get themechanism and the matters needing attention of the governmentinformation releasing according to the two theories. At last, we find theoperational mechanism and effects of government information releasingin guiding public opinions when facing the crises events.
Keywords/Search Tags:Government, Crisis events, Stage analysis theory, Imagerepair theory, Mechanism
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