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Research On Legal Problems Of Human Medical Experiments Of Our Country

Posted on:2013-11-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330392953030Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of medicine and biological sciences, a variety of newdrugs and new technologies have been developed. Unknown human trials hadgradually into public view. Human medical research is uncertain and risky, how toregulate the human medical test is become an important issue. In this paper, it willfully study the concept of human medical research, the principle of respect forautonomy, the principle of do no harm, the principle of beneficial, principles of justice,the principle of scientific and rational. This paper also introduces the main content ofInternational legal documents of human medical experimentation. We comment themain content of part of the national human medical experimentation legislation. Fromthe view of informed consent, ethical review, tort liability. In addition, we alsocomment the problems of human medical experimentation legislation of our country.At last, we put the suggestions for Improvement of human medical experimentationlegislation of our country.In the view of informed consent, Proposal to the IRB as the informed consent ofthe obligation of informing people. Refer to Declaration of Helsinki and part of thenational legislation, we perfection the informed consent to inform the content. We putdouble standard as the standard of Informed consent. To better regulate the standardof Informed consent of human medical experimentation. Make special provisions toinform the object of human medical experimentation of informed consent.In the ethical review, we should try to establishment of a review mechanismoutside the organization. Refer to the regulations of some countries on the ethicalreview, improve the regulations of China. Strengthen the supervision of the EthicsCommitteeIn tort liability, we should build a strict human medical experiment on the civilliability system. Civil liability for human medical experiments divided into two kindsof general damage and serious injury. Compensate the damaged subjects, punitivesystem, in order to reduce the occurrence of serious incidents.
Keywords/Search Tags:Human medical experiments, ethical review, Informed consent, Nuremberg Code, Declaration of Helsinki
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