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The Socialism Theory And Practice Of South Africa Communist Party

Posted on:2013-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L B KangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330392450466Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
South Africa Communist Party is an influential Communist Party on thecontinent of Africa and also in the world. Since the date of the establishment of SouthAfrica Communist Party, she had committed to against domestic racial segregationpolicy and struggled for the black liberation of the country. She experienced thetwists and turns of the political struggle from Legal parliament struggle tounderground struggle and from the overseas struggle to public legal struggle. At thesame time, according to the different period of South Africa, South AfricaCommunist Party in light of her own nation conditions,taking Marxism-Leninism asthe basic guiding ideology, taking scientific socialism and communism as the highestgoal, adjusting her own struggle strategies in time and unremitting exploration onsocialism theory and practice. Taking Russian disintegration as a boundary, thedevelopment course of South Africa Communist Party is generally divided into thefollowing two stages: The first stage can be summarized as “the establishment ofSouth Africa Communist Party and her tortuous development before Russiandisintegration”. In this stage, the main task of South Africa Communist Party activelypromotes and preliminary exploration socialism theory in domestic and South Africanational liberation Movement. The second stage can be summarized as “South AfricaCommunist Party carries out a new explore for domestic socialism after Russiandisintegration”. In this stage, South Africa Communist Party facing to the strongimpact of the Russian disintegration, bearing the pressure, keeping her characteristicsand guiding ideology, organization principle and goal of communist party.Meanwhile,it carries out a new fruitful explore for domestic socialism theory andpractice by means of adjusting the domestic, international struggle strategies and theparty’s construction strategies in light of her own nation conditions and thedevelopment and change of the situation of the world. In the long-term explorationprocess of heroic struggle and positive socialism theory and practice,South AfricaCommunist Party makes an great effect and contribute: In the domestic, not onlyembodies in its participation and leadership on the democratic movement in South Africa,but also embodies in its provides theoretical guidance for South Africannational liberation movement organization and provides cadres for African NationalCongress, any more, embodies in its positive influence on the policies make by thenew government, which leader by African National Congress; In the international,embodies in its theoretical innovation and contribution of scientific socialism andinternational communist movement. In the foreseeable future, On one hand,SouthAfrica Communist Party remain need to rely on the "three party alliance", especiallyneed to rely on the unity relations of African National Congress;on the other hand, itremain cannot replace the leadership of African National Congress in Short term. Inaddition,it remain faces with a lot of difficulties and challenges:how to keep itsindependence in the union and how to further expand its mass base. The twoproblems is a major test of the political wisdom of South African communist party.
Keywords/Search Tags:South Africa Communist Party, Socialism, Theory, Practice
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