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The Predicament And Countermeasures Of Pulic Participation In The Process Of Pulic Policy Implementation

Posted on:2013-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X GuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330377961313Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of economy, the public are interested in the managementon the national and social things. They pay more and more attention to public policybecause they stat understanding the public policy will influence own interests. In the pastpublic participation focus on public policy formulation link.The government is also focuson collecting inforrmation.Now they has focused on the implementation of the policy withthe development of democratic politics. In the reality the public has understanded toparticipate in the implementation of public policy. At the same time, the participation ofcitizens in policy execution has huge influence. This paper based on the social reality,combined with lean fine events discuss the implementation of the public policy. ItCombed the domestic and overseas scholars research results and analyze Chinese publicparticipation in public policy implementation including the present situation andproblems.Then it tells us the dilemma on politics, economy, legal, psychology. Based onthese difficulties it advises us to build long-term mechanism and gives the countermeasure,including speeding up the construction of institutional management skills, optimizing andimprove the economic development, perfecting the relevant law, building the participatedpolitical culture.The first part is the background of the subject, that is, the market economy providesthe necessary material and spiritual resources for public participation. Public participationin public policy are popular. They has paid attention to the process of public policyimplementation not only participating in public policy formulation or evaluation. In such abackground, the author choice on the issue to detailed study. This topic is very important intheory or in practice. Public participation in public policy implementation will strengthenthe public policy identity and legality.It can also strengthen supervision and restraint ofpolicy and helped to promote social fairness and stability. The article uses qualitativeanalysis method, the literature analysis, case study method and the network search methodfollowing "questions-analysis problem-the solution to the problem of logic thinking. It usesinnovation in political, with management, economics, laws, psychology researching in public participation in public policy implementation process.The second part is the related theory basis including the public participation in publicpolicy at home and abroad and the definitions about public policy, public policyimplementation. It analyzed the basic theory on politics, management, economy andlaw. The political aspects is the participatory democracy theory. The management is thedemocratic administration management theory and public choice theory. The economictheory is the transaction costs theory. These theories provide a theoretical support.The third part is the theme of this paper.It tells us the present situation and problemof public participation in public policy. The predicament is combined with lean fine eventto elaborate. Political trouble lies in institutional channels and the institutionalization ofthwarted method prevailed. Management difficult position reflected in the weakness ofnon-governmental organizations and the current top-down decision system. Economicpredicament is not mature in the market economy in China. The law predicament is mainlyabout the incomplete regulations and citizens of lacking legal consciousness. Psychologicalpredicament is that traditional thought and the culture.The fourth most is the solution to the problem. In a system level we should buildlong-term mechanisms on public participation in public policy implementation.Thesemechanisms is social affairs mechanism, the government response mechanism, themechanism of supervision and communication mechanism. The specific measures ismainly directed against the political, management, economy and law, psychologicalproblem including speeding up democracy, improving the management skills, optimizingeconomic development and perfecting the relevant law and building the participatedpolitical culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:public policy, public participation, trouble, lean fine events
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