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The Cognizance Of Bigamy And Perfection

Posted on:2013-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to the related survey, our country bigamy phenomenon becomes moreand more serious, and presents a variety of forms, complex concealed etc. characteristics.However, the bigamy crime has not unified standards. In China’s legal system, differentsectors and different law enforcement agencies to "marriage","fact bigamy","cohabitation" all have different definition and understanding, because of legal conceptdefinition, understanding the disagreement is currently in the judicial practice thatdifficult, convicted of bigamy exist to wait for a variety of problems. So for bigamyjudicial cognizance of the research and the improvement of the existing law has a specialmeaning. This text is divided into four parts:Chapter I: overview of bigamy. This section is main content in law and commitbigamy offense in scientific concept, theory of controversy and the four parts of bigamycrime.Chapter II: the concrete determination of bigamy. This section focuses on theinstructions in the cognizance of the practice of bigamy existing in the difficult points.The main contents include the fact the concept of marriage and legal effect of bigamyperformance type, the invalid marriage and revocable marriage of the party and thecognizance of bigamy, arranged, mercenary marriage because of the cause of thedetermination, bigamy behavior of the name of husband and wife, and the application ofgeneral bigamy behavior and the difference between the bigamy.Chapter III: bigamy investigation of the comparison. This chapter presents thecontinental law system country and common law countries to commit bigamy offenserelevant provision, and to make a comparison.Chapter IV: bigamy legal system is perfect. Mainly includes the improvement of theexisting rules and regulations of the additional for bigamy new relevant provisions of thelaw of bigamy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commit bigamy offense, fact marriage, illegal cohabitation, the name ofhusband and wife, the legal system perfecting
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