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Coordination Of Internet Privacy Protection Mechanism To Explore

Posted on:2013-05-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330374979858Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Showing excessive expansion trend in the increasing development of science and technology today, the network free, like a scourge, have a direct impact on citizens’privacy. Special cell phone camera, video recording function and the alternate development of the3G network, as well as the micro-blog, Chinarenren and the development of other network tools platform compress the free space of the citizens. The slightest mistake can make you become a hero of "a door event", the aim of the human flesh search, had the destruction of the network army violence. People in the network can enjoy convenient, fast and pleasant, but also have to face the serious threaten of the network over-free. The ensuing network on the one hand break the constraints of time and space, narrowed the distance between people, on the other hand, make the personal privacy exposed glance, so that "the civilization of mankind is faced with a naked feeling deprived ". The network society is virtual, but life is real, network, and the reality of interrelated, became a hotbed of violations of citizens’ privacy and personal privacy Terminator.Face a range of issues, China’s academia, the judiciary, politicians have begun to focus on Internet privacy protection, but for china have the start of IT lately than in Europe and the United States and other developed countries, the build of the full privacy protection systems and supporting mechanisms has not perfect yet, relevant legislation is difficult to follow when dealing with practical problems, we often put privacy on the right of reputation within the context of regulation, did not rise it as an independent personality rights to duly protected. The privacy protection provisions Scattered in the relevant legal provisions in the civil, criminal, constitutional, procedural law, administrative law and the Protection of Minors law, lack of a unified system, relatively in a mess. In specific cases, the application of a single article seems significantly weak. Therefore, to explore the establishment of a coordinated network privacy protections is imperative.Firstly, this article will introduce the concept, character and content of network privacy, which will provide an entry point for the protection of internet privacy; secondly, I will introduce the main network infringement constitutes a form of expression, the obtained network inevitability of invasion of privacy, which sense of urgency to enhance the protection of internet privacy, and then to analyze the principle of tort liabilities, the path in order for regulation violations; some developed countries, internet privacy protected mode and of the conservation status of the introduction and assessment, which inspiration; With the reference and reflection, select network privacy protections for China’s national conditions, trying to establish the main regulatory system to the public, industry self-regulation supplemented by the criminal law protection as a complement to government regulation and active participation of citizens both coordinated network privacy rights protection mechanisms.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet Privacy, Violations, Coordination Mechanism of protection
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