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The Cognizance Of The Relation Theory Of Surrogate Birth Parents

Posted on:2013-07-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q FanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a result of the assisted reproductive technology-the "surrogate", on the one hand, in solving the infertile couples with no blood children puzzle at the same time, the traditional concept of the legal system, social awareness of the challenges, based on fertility for marriage, family and social the significance of the majority of countries in the world to pass legislation on children born of surrogate parent-child relationship norms to ensure that the legitimate interests of the child.Our law has not provided for surrogate, nor the provisions of the parent-child relationships on children born to identify and so on, a variety of advocates of the academic paper, based on the social development needs of life, proposed surrogate children born parent-child identified the need for relations, and how to identify children born of surrogate parent-child relationship respecting the advocate of kinship and respect the wishes of the parties, will it be possible to appropriately safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and the children born.
Keywords/Search Tags:Surrogacy, Surrogacy mother, Parentage, Ectogenesis
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