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Research Of The Crime Of The Fraud In Credit Card

Posted on:2013-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330374956936Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the flourish development of credit card,it is harmful to thefinance system, for the deceitful behaviors are more crime-ridden imposedby credit card and the trend of crime of fraud in credit card is still upwardsyear after year, the amounts of criminal case is greater. Because crime offraud in credit card is a new crime which closely relates to the expertise ofother subjects such as economy and finance and the methods of this kind ofcrime is diversified, here is much difference between theoretical circles andlaw practices regarding some questions. In order to secure a morecomprehensive and correspondent application of criminal law in the fieldof criminal justice, the author write this article to redress some perplexingquestions concerning this kind of crimes related to credit card. The aim ofthis article is seeking a way to push the research in the crime of fraud incredit card to a high level, in the other sphere, the wide space of research inthe crime of fraud in credit card is available through the analysis in thisarticle. This article tries to explain some questions of the crime of fraud incredit card on the foundation of previous research, in order to be rightlyapplied in judicatory and research deeply in the crime of fraud in creditcard. The article puts the emphasis on the impersonality in the crime offraud in credit card, I wish it will benefit the law practices and legislation.Except for the leading words and the conclusion, this article consists of fiveparts. This article first introduced the condition of criminal law related tothe credit card fraud in other countries, and then introduced the history ofChina legislation concerning credit card fraud. The article devoted most ofthe concern on the part of the kind of overdraw fraud of credit card and tried hard to procure a system consists of mutual-reinforcing civil lawresolutions and criminal law resolutions in the way of dealing with thiskind of credit card fraud crimes. And this kind of system must beaccordance with the basic spirit of criminal law.
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