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Executive Compensation In Emotional System

Posted on:2013-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330374956610Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In2010, China’s rule of law in a major event in China on State Compensation Law " amendment, which will be laid down in emotional as a way for a national compensation, however, the long-awaited compensation for moral damage compensation system at the nationalonly the simple law to be laid down in one sentence. Both marks in emotional system in the study of administrative law a landmark of progress in a positive prior to the academic research at the same time, in emotional system, and in emotional Perfection space. State compensation in emotional system, including executive compensation and judicial compensation, based on article length constraints, I only select the system of administrative compensation for emotional damages, the trial added to the development of the system and improving research and new ranks, some of these issues to analyze the system as soon as possible in order to improve and applied to practice to play its historical role to contribute to a force.The first chapter is an overview of the administrative emotional damages. First by reference to the Civil Code and the State Compensation Law in the concept of compensation for moral damage to the administrative emotional damages under the definition, and are described in detail in the definition of a key part of understanding; Secondly, they have common features of the State Compensation The special features they have done a detailed analysis; again, executive compensation in emotional give a clear qualitative analysis of its mission and meaning in the modern rule of law in China on the road to do; Finally, with the Chief emotional damages similar to the civil spirit of damages done a comparison and analysis, respectively, on the links and differences are discussed.Chapter analysis at this stage in China in emotional system status and problems. First a simple exposition of the state compensation system established in China’s History and Chief emotional damages; followed by China on State Compensation Law has been given legal form right before some of the research results confirm that the law on administrative emotional damages provisions; again drawn through the analysis of the legal recognition of the problems and deficiencies in emotional system in our country.The third chapter is in emotional system of extraterritorial reference. First described in emotional systems overview of state compensation in the common law in the United States, the United Kingdom and civil law in France, Germany, Japan, and the system of the historical development of these countries and improve the process briefly elaboration; followed for solatium amount of the spirit of Chapter II to determine the solution to the problem, the practice of these countries made specifically set out.The fourth chapter is the perfect executive compensation in emotional system. First of all the issues raised in Chapter II and Chapter III of the reference solution from both substantive and procedural aspects of our executive compensation in emotional system to improve the program; followed for executive compensation in emotional system a particular problem-the administrative recourse do a simple analysis.This article was written during the of executive compensation in emotional system has just been legalized, but the lack of detailed and specific provisions of the research but have not yet had time to legalization of some studies have been carried out mainly based on the provisions of the new State Compensation Law, and before scholars the point of view of results and theories, and has been basically in foreign-developed systems and regulations, the next step on the the solatium system of administrative compensation for mental development and that their point of view. The main study is a comparative analysis, the classification of inductive method and historical analysis and other research methods for the future in order to make modifications in the law and judicial interpretation of executive compensation in emotional system play a role.
Keywords/Search Tags:State Compensation, Executive Compensation, In emotional
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