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Grass-roots Civil Servants Salary Structure Rationality

Posted on:2013-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F L TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330374486184Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The17report states:"improve the administrative operation mechanism,form thesame powers and responsibilities, and reasonable division of labor, scientificdecision-making,ensure smooth enforcement and effective supervision of theadministrative system. To deepen the structural reform of the administration,buildthe special cause of socialism mission service-oriented government. The civil servantsalary system reform is important supporting reform of the administrative system, willinevitably produce far-reaching and significant impact on China’s economic, political,social. At present, theorists rarely study the rationality of the wage structure of thegrass-roots civil servants, In particular, the study of the grass-roots civil service wagestructure is very small. China’s current administrative structural reform direction is toin-depth reform of civil servants’ salaries, improve the management system of wages ofcivil servants and building a flexible management system, The salary issue of civilservants are the core of the human resource development of government andmanagement. through the measure of the value of talent, performance evaluation,designing a fair and reasonable wage structure, effectively motivating civil servants,has been attracting a great deal of study efforts and widespread attention of academiccircles and the administrative scholars.In recent years, many scholars and government officials quietly concerned thesalary and reform of civil servants, but more attention and study on the total payroll,and the issue of fairness of civil servants and social, concerns rational study of the civilservice, but the study of salary structure and content is very small. to research thesolution to the problem of wages of civil servants, should be in-depth study the wagestructure of civil servants, design rational salary structure of the civil service. Thesalary structure of civil servants would be more reasonable to reflect the relationshipbetween the salaries of civil servants and performance, and more realistic reflectrelationship between the wages of civil servants and professional skills, education, thethe contribution and performance.This article contains the following sections: Chapter1Introduction mainly describes the background, meaning and methods; Chapter Research, roughly illustratesthe major domestic and foreign research situation; the theory outlined in Chapter III,focuses on the theory of primary writing paper, the relevant definition of the term;Chapter IV discusses the salaries of civil servants of our primary status, characteristicsand causes; Chapter V discusses the path of analysis of the grassroots civil servants areasonable wage structure and the implementation; Chapter VI is a comprehensivesummary of the paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:local government, civil service salary structure, rationality
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