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Guiping City Lawyers Integrity Investigation Report

Posted on:2013-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q L MaiFull Text:PDF
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Honesty is the traditional Chinese virtues, all walks of life should be good faith as their own language guidelines. Has an important role for the development of law firms, lawyers’integrity legal integrity is not only a professional ethics, it must fulfill the obligations of lawyers as a legal service principal. Lawyer integrity requires all practicing lawyers must be within the scope of the provisions of national law, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. But at present, lawyers’integrity is facing a number of problems, the need to continue to improve. Integrity of Guiping City, Guangxi Province, lawyers for the object, in the form of a survey report to reveal the integrity of the Guiping City lawyer, and struggling to find the factors leading to the integrity of Guiping City lawyerThis article is divided into five parts, the first part of the background, the second part of the research methods, the third part of the research profiles, and the fourth part is a summary of findings and analysis, the fifth part of the legal integrity of the building a few recommendationsThe first part of the important role of the integrity of the practice of our lawyer integrity to be an overview, and thus extended the practice the Guiping the Bar of the City of integrity as a subject of the investigation of meaning and significance.The second part describes this research in order to observe the interviews and questionnaires as the main, the issuance of questionnaires to the three groups of Guiping City.The third part, the author on the research profiles a detailed description of the research subjects were divided into three categories, judicial staff, the second category as a solicitor; the third category is the ordinary people, and questionnaires of recovery to do the instructionsThe fourth part of this article, of the questionnaire and survey access Guiping City lawyers, judicial staff, the general public, and questionnaires were collected and the analysis of interview data found Guiping Bar of the City Honesty mainly in the following aspects:(1) in the cases handled by stage, the difficulties of the case avoided, misleading the parties so as to achieve the purpose of receiving the case.(2) Rush into battle, the poor quality of service.③solicitor’s fees are exorbitant demands, no invoice, the IOUs.④free to make a commitment,"Paul win" over-promoting their own ability. Preparation stage,⑤v. charges before and after the attitude is not the same charge before the responsive, after the charge stall the buck-passing.⑥not seriously investigating the case, often looking for an excuse to travel survey, and the parties costs.⑦divulge trade secrets or personal privacy of the client to seek illegitimate interests.⑧for winning a case of perjury.⑨bribe to the judge, unfair competition. Guiping City lawyer integrity status quo analysis, and combined with the Guiping Bar of the City own characteristics, dig out the reasons leading to the lack of credibility of Guiping City lawyer receive the defects of its own development of the industry, their own integrity and moral literacy as well as the history of the Legal Practitioners systemPart V, Guiping City lawyer Credibility of reasons, and then recognize the urgent need to improve the status of the integrity of the Guiping City lawyer has to some improvement approach, and in accordance with the characteristics of Guiping City, namely, to strengthen the lawyer’s own moral literacy to improveand relevant departments to strengthen supervision system, and ultimately practicing integrity in Guiping City lawyers implement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lawyers integrity, Lawyers Survey, Investigation
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