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Case Analysis Of Unauthorized Claimed Of Bank Deposit

Posted on:2013-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ChenFull Text:PDF
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Depositors lawless elements using various means impersonator impersonator people were arrested and falsely claimed the money can be recovered, the problem easier to solve, but such cases are often difficult to detect due to the lawless elements of crime means superb, even cracked the arrest the impersonator difficult to ensure its solvency. Savers require savings institutions to pay the deposit but the bank refused to pay the resulting disputes the prosecution to the court when both sides is difficult to resolve, put depositors savings institutions, such cases are often experienced first and second instance commuted, and the final verdict is the same the case of different contractors "that is similar to the merits of the cases a great difference in different parts of the court’s decision, some sentenced to savings institutions to take full responsibility, and some sentenced to two sides shared responsibility. People are more or less deposit, concerned about the security of their deposits often caused widespread concern, the money deposited in savings institutions are not foolproof, especially criminals using miniature probe peeping password forged bank cards impersonator others deposit high-tech crimes, adds to concerns about the security of their savings. This case the media to be reported, one such judgment made public, will be subject to heightened public concern, there are differences of similar cases emerging large judgment, damage the uniform application of the law.Firstly, through a typical case to come out of such cases of disputed legal issues, then its specific analysis, the definition of the concept and its main manifestations impersonator deposit, the analysis of savings behavior and the nature of the analysis of such cases the theory of jurisprudence and civil law, the legal relations of the deposits of the parties to the impersonator case, the final savings institutions and the responsibility of the depositors were analyzed.Significance of this study is that deposits continuing to be impersonator and the dispute should be resolved in time, savings institutions and the responsibility of the affected depositors relationship how to properly handle them, how the interests of both the co-ordination, if the improper handling of financial development, social harmony have a negative impact, have to sort out to propose a solution, and therefore has important theoretical and practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deposit, Law Liability, unauthorized Clamed
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