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The Research On The Administrative Supply

Posted on:2013-07-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q MeiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The administrative supply system is an important legal system in the modernadministrative areas, and it plays an important role in social management all over theworld. The administrative supply system provides material necessities for vulnerablegroups of the society, and it also helps to meet their basic needs and improve theirlives by providing the material assistance. Meanwhile, the administrative supplysystem is in favor of improving the lives of all members of society, and it offers jobopportunities to the vulnerable person. With the concepts of scientific outlook onDevelopment and building a harmonious socialist society, building a people-orientedservice-oriented government become an irresistible general trend. In the new situation,the government should actively change their work style and make full uses ofadministrative supply system. It should also protect people’s rights to life, rights ofnational material assistance and other social rights.The administrative supply system has a long history in Western countries, and ithas formed a more mature system especially in public law countries. Theadministrative supply system has become an indispensable part of the theory ofadministrative law and public authority, and it has made perfects in supply systemestablishment and supply behavior of the system. In contrast, China’s administrativesupply system is still an emerging issue in administrative law due to a late start. Ontheory of administrative supply system, there are still differences in its concept, scopeand subject. There is still a long distance from the sound administrative supply system.Recently, the legal experts began studying administrative supply system, and theyhave made important achievements. However, compared with foreign countries, ourcountry’s administrative supply system is lagging far behind. Thus, it is urgent tomake deep research on administrative supply system in our country, which helps tofind the current problem existing in administrative supply system and find theanswers to the problem. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the body part is divided into fourchapters. The first chapter, the writer summarizes the administrative supply system ofour country. By discussing the concepts of administrative supply system, the writeranalyzes the history and development of the administrative supply system, and thewriter mainly discusses the characteristics and role of administrative supply system.The second chapter, the writer mainly discusses the legal basis and theoretical valueof the administrative supply system, and the writer believes that the administrativesupply system will plays an important role in establishing socialist harmonioussociety. The third chapter, the writer analyzes the current problem of administrativesupply system in our country, and he points out the defects of the administrativesupply system. In Chapter IV, by discussing the problems existing in the current lawof administrative supply system and learning from foreign county’s experiences, thewriter gives his own legislative proposals on improving our country’s administrativesupply system.The innovations of this paper include the following two aspects: the first part isabout the theoretical value of administrative supply system. In this part, the writermakes s detailed analysis of the fundamental values of freedom, fairness, equality andorder which contains in modern law, and the writer fully affirms the great theoreticalsignificance of the administrative supply system. Secondly, on measures to improveChina’s system of administrative supply system, the writer put forward suggestionsand ideas to improve the legal system and administrative supply system which hopsto help improve China’s administrative supply system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Administrative Supply, Social Rights, Survival Right
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