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Law Of Population And Family Planning Administrative Law Enforcement Problem Research

Posted on:2013-04-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330362973224Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Family planning is in accordance with China’s specific national conditions todetermine a must long-term importunate is basic national policy. After a long period of"population and family planning law" carrying out, in ensuring rapid economicdevelopment under the premise, effective control of the rapid growth of population, theproblem of population in the world has made a significant contribution. But inadministrative law enforcement is still there is a violation of procedure, theco-ordination between departments of law enforcement on the lack of coordination,publicity and education, understanding deviation, as well as the performance evaluationsystem of lag, resulting in the system implementation of the population birth ratesubstantially and consistently lower than population maintain reproduction turnoverlevel, etc, to the population and the family planning administrative law enforcement jobbrought certain difficulty, also make the population and family planning administrativelaw enforcement in lack of fairness, justice. Therefore, facing and solving the familyplanning administrative law enforcement problems, is to regulate the population andfamily planning administrative law enforcement behavior, maintenance the seriousnessof law, improve the family planning administrative law enforcement level, to ensurethat the population and family planning laws and regulations implemented correctly.This paper introduces the Chinese ancient thinking of family and family planningpolicy after the founding of new China by up to the" law of population and familyplanning law" height, aware of reproductive system in national development vital role;and through the research and analysis of population and family planning administrativelaw enforcement in the existence of the problem; at the same time, put forward toimprove the population and family planning planning of administrative law enforcementproposals, in order to realize our country population to optimize the allocation ofresources, to improve the population quality, maintain social stability, adapt to the concrete national conditions of our country family planning administrative lawenforcement system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Law of population and family planning, administrative law enforcement, countermeasures
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