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Research On Promotion-appointment Pattern Of Primary Level Cadres In Our Country Based On Competency Model

Posted on:2013-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330362971201Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Primary level cadres in our country are the backbone among all the carders, who have the moststaff and contact people closely. With China’s continuous deepening of reform and opening up,economic system from the planned economy to a market economy is accelerating the pace ofrestructuring, which makes higher demands for the primary level cadres’ competency. So, how toselect the competent cadres is significant.This research takes division-level and section-level cadres from Nanjing city as its subjects. Itemploys both quantitative and qualitative patterns to explore the competency model of governmentalofficers from counties of Nanjing. The study can be divided into three stages. The first stagecomposes of two parts, the first part is to read articles and find concerned theories. Based on thearticles and theories on the competency, this research traces the origin, definitions, achievements andthe research approaches on competency within China and abroad. The second part explains theadvantages and disadvantages of china’s promotion-appointment pattern. The second stage isconstructing a competency model. Based on the articles and theories on the competency, by means ofbehavior event interview and questionnaire patterns, through an investigation of150division-leveland section-level cadres of Nanjing, this article gathers some concerned data. With the patterns offactor analysis, the study explores the competencies and designs competency model of division-leveland section-level cadres. The third stage is to apply the competency model to thepromotion-appointment pattern to solve practical problems.The results of this study can be applied as the promotion-appointment of primary level cadres tomake the selection and reference observations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Competency, competency model, primary level cadres, promotion-appointment pattern, personnel management of government
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