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The Teaching Of Ancient Chinese Grammar Study

Posted on:2014-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330398955853Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ancient Chinese is the Chinese language and literature professional requiredcourses and basic courses in normal colleges. Emphasis on cultivating students’ abilityto read the writings in classical style and classical Chinese teaching of middle school’sability to work. Ancient Chinese grammar is an important part of ancient Chinese andancient Chinese language teaching has important significance. However, through hisown experience in teaching as well as to the current teaching of ancient Chinesegrammar research and teaching of ancient Chinese grammar in the questionnaire,found in ancient Chinese grammar teaching status quo is not optimistic. To improvethe students level of ancient Chinese grammar, and improve the quality of ancientChinese teaching, the author aimed at the problems of college of ancient Chinesegrammar, effectively improving measures are put forward.This article main content is divided into three parts. The first part, it is based onthe current teaching of ancient Chinese grammar in the analysis of existing problemsand the causes of the problem. About the problems existing in the teaching of ancientChinese grammar, the author mainly from three aspects to analysis and investigation.First, the teachers and students in the teaching of ancient Chinese grammar problems(conceptual issues). Second, the teaching of ancient Chinese grammar problems ingrammar. Third, the teaching of ancient Chinese grammar in teaching methods. Forcauses of the teaching of ancient Chinese grammar problem the author is from thethree aspects to explain. The second part of this article is the ancient Chinesegrammar teaching in normal universities should follow the principles. Any teachingshould follow certain teaching principles teaching of ancient Chinese grammar is noexception. In this part the author discussed in detail in view of the ancient Chinesegrammar teaching should follow four basic principles: the principle of theory withpractice, teachers and students together, covering the principle, grammar, moderateprinciple. The third part, it is put forward strategies to improve the teaching of ancientChinese grammar. Teaching strategy is aimed at existing problems in the teaching ofancient Chinese grammar has the pertinence, effectiveness of the teaching methodsare put forward. Teaching methods of this article mainly from the updating of teachersand students of ancient Chinese grammar teaching idea, establishing normal in ancient Chinese grammar system as soon as possible, and change the teaching of ancientChinese grammar patterns are put forward from three aspects. These with in this paper,the first part of the problems existing in the teaching of ancient Chinese grammar inmutual echo, effectively solve the existing problems in the teaching of ancientChinese grammar. To sum up, this article aim is effective to improve the teaching ofancient Chinese grammar teaching effect, improve the quality of ancient Chineseteaching and students’ ability of using language.
Keywords/Search Tags:Normal Colleges, Ancient Chinese, Grammar Teaching
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