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Library Cut Slice Study Of The Novel

Posted on:2014-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330398458512Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A group of dutchmen who were the employees of Dutch East Indies Companyarrived in South Africa in1652. Just like the seeds of dandelion which were carried toa remote place by wend,these peaple struggled to survive and their descendantsbecame greedy farmers.from then on,the history of South Africa was changedforever,nevertheless,it may also be the bengining of new life of these settlers.As a descendant of Dutch settlers,John Maxwell Coetzee was well known for hisnovle writing.The inspiration of his first novle was drawn from the historicaldocuments which were written by one of his ancestors.In this novle he showed littleintresting in the stories in the document,in fact,he focused on how these stories werecreated and why they can handed down to us.He was acutely aware of the silentpeaple who were exist in the documents and these aboriginal peaple became more andmore impotant in his following works.The Introduction is a brief review of Coetzee’life,his important works and thestudies about him both at home and abroad.ChapterⅠmainly discussed why Coetzee opted to write novals and the histery ofAfrikaner. Coetzee suspected the rationality of some Afrikaans myths andcustom,although he is a Afrikaner too.Last part of this chapter introduced Coetzee’sfirst novle.ChapterⅡmainly discussed silent peaple in coetzee’s novals.This chapter refered toCoetzee’s three important works which portrayed diferrent silent images in diferentsituations.All of these silenct images were in a fix in a sense,but they didn’t surrender.ChapterⅢ mainly analysed narrative strategy of Coetzee’s novles.The silent peaplewere usually not well educated and esolated from white men.They were representedby others.But Coezee angled his novals to reflect the silent peaple.Although they werestill silent,the stories were told from their angles.Conclusion summarized Coetzee’s attitude to silent peaple.Coetzee showed his unconditional sympathy for silent peaple,although they may be faulted.
Keywords/Search Tags:Coetzee, Silent images, Postcolonialism, Narrative strategy
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