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1980-2009 Taiwan Social Documentary Documentary Research

Posted on:2013-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y LuoFull Text:PDF
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In the early of1980s, after touching off an enlightenment about"real"to the social and authentic Documentary of Taiwan, when the "declare martial law ended" finished, counter-image also directly caused the society of Taiwan for the imagination and pursuit about a "new" documentary. In the mid1990s, the Documentary which has gone though a major breakthrough in the democratization of society occurred a transform of aesthetics between Self and The Other. Meanwhile, as the new century coming as the creative content booming, the creators of Documentary have calmly reflect an aesthetic anxiety which was presented in the documentary,and under the struggle between ethical and art.From1980to2009, during the near three decades development history, the social and authentic Documentary of Taiwan has had an extraordinary road that from amateur, scattered, single to professional, focused, diverse in creation, and from rough, weak and conservative to the delicate, rich and open in aesthetic construction. The context of the Documentary formation goes together with the process of democratization in Taiwan counterparts. And it also was the complex disputes of socio-political, economic and ethical elements between the Documentary and Taiwan that form a unique aesthetic style in Taiwan social and authentic Documentary.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taiwan, social and authentic, Documentary, Research
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