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Theory Of "through" The Public Of The Novel

Posted on:2013-10-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330395952641Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Time travel fiction is a literary reading the rise of a new power, after several years of development, time travel fiction has reached a considerable number of audience. In a few short years, time travel fictions’ reception by the public have such good results, which is the reason it is worth exploring.On the time travel fiction popular acceptance of the causes is inseparable from the time travel fiction the popular psychological research. Since the nineteen ninties, post modernism in the Chinese ideological and cultural circles caused intense controversy, this trend spread rapidly in China, and China’s contemporary social, cultural, literary produce complex contact. Postmodernism in China spread quickly, it advocates the personalized writing, to historical new understanding also influence character by environment into public life, forming a mass of new taste. China time travel fictions at the end of the twentieth Century budding generation, time travel fiction in the novel appears on individual personality, to the fragments of history writing was to some extent to meet the public’s taste. At the same time, the female groups in the social pressure, on the reality of marriage and love, cause confusion or even loss of confidence, so in the time travel fiction the feminist rise in need for psychological comfort.Time travel fiction boom with many commercial operation means are closely related. Time travel fictions in at the beginning of creation, pay attention to the work of propaganda, it actively with the established time travel fictions author fame drive works promotion, at the same time, time travel fiction adopts the network serial communication mode. These commercial operation way for time travel fiction brought large, relatively stable readership, promote the prosperity and development of the time travel fiction.The network has a high degree of sharing and interaction, while the time travel fiction by the network as the main medium of communication, thus, time travel fiction between author and reader are highly interactive. The time travel fiction readers and authors are mainly embodied in two aspects:the first is the evaluation of the mechanism of open, in the network, the ordinary readers to have free speech right, has also been criticism of the platform. Secondly, the reader may also on the author’s creation to intervene, can even change the author established ideasOn the time travel fiction accepted reason for us to face the modern popular culture acceptable psychology. Female reading time travel fiction, in the novel for comfort and not in order to better face the reality of the world, but indulge in the fantasy, not deal with real life, so that women receive psychological obviously exist certain problems, is worth our vigilance. At the same time, the spread of literature is diverse, in the time travel fictions’ reception by the public, the operation of the market is active and effective way. Therefore, in order to the time travel fiction, the novel communication paradigm in the operation of the market, reasonably some methods to the contemporary popular literature dissemination.
Keywords/Search Tags:time travel fiction, public acceptance, propagation, interactive
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