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Chuang Tzu In Germany

Posted on:2013-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330377957297Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chuang Tzu is one of the greatest thinkers of ancient China, and his book " Chuang Tzu " with profound content and wanton spirited language, have had an impact on the creative and philosophical thinking of ancient and modern literature. The translations and research of" Chuang Tzu " of German scholars were later than Britain, France and other western countries, but it has made good results. This paper attempts to sort out the book " Chuang Tzu " in German-speaking countries in translation and dissemination of the historical process, to identify its reasons for the impact, and specific analysis of Chuang Tzu factors in German writers and their works. This paper strives to a comprehensive, innovative vision to look at the relationship between the " Chuang Tzu " and German literature, to find the different characteristics and forms of" Chuang Tzu " affect in the German literature.This paper is divided into five chapters, the first chapter, the introduction section, briefly describes the significance of the book " Chuang Tzu " in German-speaking countries and the academic status at home and abroad, to arrive at the theoretical significance and practical significance of this thesis in the research of the spread and impact of the book " Chuang Tzu ".The second chapter combs chronological (the five stages:pre-19th century,19th century, early twentieth century, the early postwar period and modern and contemporary period) the translation and dissemination process of the book " Chuang Tzu " in Germany, and make a evaluation of a variety of translations and research. Which focuses on the latest domestic introduces the least modern and contemporary period, through divided it into translation and research of two parts. Backward and forward in time expansion of the broad domestic the Chuang Tzu spread history, and to correct improper results of previous studies.The third chapter analysis the representative German writers such as Doblin, Kafka, Hesse, Brecht, Keller and their representative works in-depth, explained in detail the Chuang Tzu factors in the works of German writers. Doblin’s novel,"The Three Leaps of Wang Lun" absorb the concept of Chuang Tzu and other Taoist of inaction "," machineheart "and" all things equal ";Kafka’s novel "The Great Wall of China built" absorb the concept of Chuang Tzu of "Avenue called"; almost all of the works of Hesse contains the Chuang Tzu factors; the ideas of Chuang Tzu of "Road and the World" relations and "material suffering" recurrents in Bertolt Brecht’s masterpiece "Mother Courage and Her Children" and " a good people in Sichuan ",especially the "Song of Solomon"; contemporary writers Keller "Camel and Pinhole", the title directly to the Chuang Tzu, to borrow the form of dialogue,"Dreaming," the story to clarify the philosophy of Chuang Tzu and life skills. This part of the paper make a new point of view, or the introduction of new writers and their works, uses the method of close reading, explained in detail the " Chuang Tzu " factors demonstrated in the representative German writers and their works.The fourth chapter analyzes the reason of the Chuang Tzu thought in the German literature and summarized for the five points:mysticism prevalents in Europe; The translation of the book " Chuang Tzu " of missionary Richard Wilhelm played a significant role in promoting; after the industrial revolution, German scholars have set their sights on Chuang Tzu and other Taoist philosophy with stressed people in harmony with nature; the two world wars bring to the German people untold suffering and a strong spiritual emptiness and confusion, they tried to face their own society with the philosophy of Chuang Tzu; the new era with the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Germany, economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries are becoming richer, become a bridge to the further spread of Chuang Tzu.The fifth chapter is on the basis of a detailed analysis of the German writers and their works, analysis the " Chuang Tzu " factors of qualities in German literature and its different forms. First of all, the spread and impact of the Chuang Tzu in Germany is closely with the Taoism of Lao Tzu and other combination; the form of the fable in " Chuang Tzu " had a great impact on German literature; the thinking of Chuang Tzu had further deceloped to "personal" and the "German" in Germany; German scholars is not fully acceptable on the " Chuang Tzu " thinking, but full of their own thinking and trying.The conclusion part explains the the process of spread of Chuang Tzu factors in specific writers and their works and analysis the reasons, so as to arrive the Chuang Tzu characteristics and different forms of influence in Germany.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chuang Tzu, Germany, "The Three Leaps of Wang Lun", "Stufen", "TheSong of Solomon", "Camel and Pinhole"
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