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Tang Talent, Poetry

Posted on:2013-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S DouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330377457447Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The no case of poetry mainly refers to the poem which mainly express the pain of underappreciated in poet’s officialdom life,and this no case of complex feeling is a theme of study of classical literature.From the Book of "Songs" to Qu Yuan "Lament " and "Records" of Simaqian, Zhang Heng "Gui Tian", all richly steeped in a profound no case of Sorrow; Confucius in the Analects "Yang goods" referred to" state a proper way is official, the state no way is hidden." dark the potential no case of complex feeling; Wei and Jin Dynasties, seven men in bamboo forest, drinking on mysterious, far away from the political in order to avoid misfortune also has the pain of underappreciated and that is not understood by the people of the world; And TaoQian don’t bow for five pecks of rice, but also had to construct the "peach bliossom garden" for himself to settle down his own efforts toward,hoping that on a spiritual level can beyond the sad which caused by the frustrated in real life; And Jian’an poets their "reactive unpaired, industry is not on, the color has been bad." All of that explain the "no case sad" is an eternal theme in classical Chinese literature. In the long river of poetry, to express the heroic ambitions of speech is good poetry, to convey the human love and justice of Love speech is good poetry, to express the love of son and daughter is also a good poem, and these express underappreciated complexpoetry are also good poem, not only in that they are the crystallization of human true feeling, profoundly reveal ancient scribes generally hardship in survive and unfortunate in offcialdom, but also because they expressed the spirit of ancient scribes of the persistent upward, and even the personal glamour which can freely take and put it down. Many poets understand the truth that the life and the ideal are equal in value, most of them can keep the mental state and behavior go hand in hand. Regardless of whether this is feasible can be only up to you or to the world economy, they are equally worthy of praise and bear in mind. Because this reflect them having a heart to quest for upward, respect for life and stick to the dream. Therefore, the no case of poetry has its research value and far-reaching significance. Tang’s no case poetry is worthy of study and explore. In this paper have a total of six parts:First part is an introduction to illustrate the no case of poetry Research and significance.The second part is mainly discussed the poets and no case of complex feeling, give a brief description in generally to prove the "underappreciated" is a theme in classical Chinese poetry, the feelings and ideas of it is extremely deep, heavy, and it having a great research significance.In the third part mainly explaination the reasons of the no case complex feeling, mainly from the historical, cultural and social systems, and a brief interlude poet personality caused not the case complex.The fourth part of paper mainly basis on the poetry contents to analyze the no case of complex feeling.And it including:life in a wrong times, no way go to officialdom, officialdom’s cold meet, a long time of the official and not to move, reduce to a lower rank and so on. Compared with the above two parts of the contents,this part is more refined and detailed.Fifth part basis on the no case of poetry and no case of complex feeling and mainly in quire into the methods of how to lighten the pain of no case of complex feeling,such as: Taoism thought, Buddhism thought, severance sad by poem and drunk, fostering sentiment by visiting mountain and looking waters,lighten the dreams by fields and gardens.The sixth part of the article, focusing on its artistic features of the case of poetry study, mainly starting from the poetry style, writing style, rhetoric, poetry, structure, mood.Finally, in conclusion, to illustrate the article for a brief overview and Tang no case of poetic space and value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang, no case of poetry, no case of complex
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