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By The Theory Of The Flocculant Xi Bitter Zhai Draw Dai Xi Painting

Posted on:2013-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330374977027Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is a case study of painter in the Mid and Late QingDynasty, concerned about the art of painting is the artist in this period,"the king Mountains Dai Xi and their state of mind. In the Early QingDynasty,"Si Wang" has always been synonymous with retro conservative,to the late Mountains painter is not worth mentioning. I believe that thepainting of "Si Wang mountain extension" in the sluggish wind wasexaggerated. Dai Xi is one of quite knowledgeable, and the painter ofconsiderable innovation awareness. Visits Dai Xi’s <The Words ofPainting in XiKuZhai>, its painting style and his treatment of traditionalattitudes, found that his unique and distinctive artistic ideas, not onlyprominent personality style and the ideas and views quite innovativethe spirit of contemporary painters, often issued by unpublished opinion,very natural and whims, rather than theoretical circles that the simple"four king mountain extension art Achievement Dai Xi and itscontribution to give full recognition.<The Words of Painting in XiKuZhai> of Dai Xi diary hand recorded,documented he had thoughts of painting and creative experience,involving Dai Xi of succession context, antique characteristics, teachergood fortune activities and paintingis clear in the late one importantschool of painting theoretical writings. The book has multiple versions,see passage versions are in accordance with the classification of this ofthe Guangxu nineteen years of benefits to edit, by repeatedlypublishing, choreography class, easy to access, but did not get theattention of scholars, I think his <The Words of Painting inXiKuZhai>should we wear Xi painting first hand and valuable information,and full of a certain theory of value and significance.The article<The Words of Painting in XiKuZhai>as the entry point ofwriting, combined with the background of further study and explore the art of painting in the late Qing Dai Xi, so that we can be more intuitiveto understand his thoughts of painting and writing practice process. Thisarticle, combined with Dai Xi research, the its <The Words of Painting inXiKuZhai> in Artistic Ideas and his painting of roads and works,according to his antique and not learn it" sort out the classification andparametric division of good fortune two categories to interpret his art ofpainting. Research methods, focus on a large number of theoretical aswell as paintings collection, collation and analysis, in-depth thinking;Furthermore, in the described process, to take the theory and practice,is too vague to avoid the theoretical analysis of obtained a reasonable,objective conclusions.
Keywords/Search Tags:<, The Words of Painting in XiKuZhai>, , Inherit the Ancientbut not fall into it, Reference the Nature
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