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Chinese Translation Of Cultural Differences

Posted on:2013-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y N W D L Y BuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330374954749Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The difference between Russian and Chinese culture plays a big role in translationtheory. Cultural Differences in Chinese and Russian translation is the main purpose ofour research. In this thesis, from the point of view of cultural translation, interculturalcommunication studies, cultural linguistics, different cultural and psychological, ideolo-gical and cultural differences of Chinese and Russian people, we explore the relations-hip between culture and translation. Geographical, customs, historical culturaldifferences, value cultural differences analysis and comparison of two countries let ussee not just the differences between two countries, but it`s influence on the act oftranslation. We research the influence of Russian culture on the Chinese and Russiantranslation, and the Chinese cultural influences and the corresponding translation. Wehope this paper can help to enhance the translation capabilities and culture of thetranslator and the translator in the translation process in cross-cultural knowledge.Translation and cultural understanding of the relationship, focus on both Chinese andRussian cultural background, language habits, ways of thinking, comparison, languagestructure. The traditional history of translation studies more emphasis on linguisticanalysis, and cultural phenomena involved in the process of the text control languagetranslation is not enough. The purpose of I write this paper is to improve the quality oftranslation translator and cultural enrichment. This research paper also contains somerelated achievements in a research of translation area and translation theory.Our paper introduces translation process and it`s difficulties for Russian students.We tried to analyze the reasons of translation mistakes and improve students translationknowledge from Chinese to Russian and Russian to Chinese languages. We hope ourresearch will help students in language learning process and improve the level oftranslation. We suppose that, the systematic study of the theory helps to raise translationknowledge and enhance translation ability. That is why our paper will link some methods and techniques to students learning process of Chinese language. The analyzesof mistake in a translation process help us to draw some conclusions about teachingstudents of translation methods,helps teachers in guiding studing process and lessonorganization. The advanced ability of Chinese translation will help students in using andspeaking Chinese language.
Keywords/Search Tags:cultural differences, translation theory, cross-cultural education, cultural mistakes
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