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Cursive Writing Chapter In This Model

Posted on:2013-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zhang Cursive and Jin Cursive have similarities and differences,what’s more,each of them has its own beauty.In the process of creating cursive, we adopt Zhang Cursive because of its primitive simplicity and elegance,while, we adopt Jin Cursive because of its running beauty and nature.In order to achieve a new breakthrough on the creating process,we often adopt these two kinds of handwriting to enhance and enrich expression, as this creating pattern not only acquire the separate skills but also acquire us to understand the importance of shift and connection between these two kinds of handwriting.As for adoption of these two kinds of handwriting,not only should we learn the typical works,but also we should pay attention to the works in the transition period and successful works in different dynasties. According to various adoptions and creating ideas and aesthetic standards, these works can be divided into many types,such as transitional type, Zhang Cursive type,Zhang Kuang Cursive type and compound type. Compound type also has many different creating combinations including Zhang Cursive, Xiao Cursive and Kuang Cursive.These different types of combinations have their different difficulties; however,the common difficulty is to have a good mastery of different consistent methods. We must master strokes, strokes trend, strokes ligatures,strokes shapes,color of ink,these consistent methods,at the same time.And we are expected to be able to use these consistent methods with ease.The practice and exploration of creating pattern combinating Zhang Cursive and Jin Cursive,extends and enriches the creating space,which provide a new design and style for the development of contemporary Cursive creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cursive
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