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Communication Patterns Rhetoric Narrative Research

Posted on:2013-06-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330374477658Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Post-classical narratologies are different from Classic narratologythat exiles author and reader, exclusive historical context, insist on theliterature itself sufficient to render the meanings, they turn to outside oftext, trying to rearrange the association between text inside andoutside, reconsidering the meaning of literary works. Rhetoricalnarrative theory is one of the most important branches of Post-classicalnarratologies, which represented James Phelan that considers themeaning of literary works result from the moving circular relationshipamong the author, text and reader.“Narrative as rhetoric” meansanalyzing narrative from a rhetoric angle, which is a new perspective ofnarratology in academics. Narratology of "narrative as rhetoric"devotes to developing multiple-actor relationship among author, textand reader in the course of narrative. And paying attention to readersdynamic response plays an important role in the narrative process. Sohe adhere that literature specific meaning attributed to the text andreader dynamic interaction. Rhetorical narrative theory researches theinteraction between reader and text of rhetorical strategies, amendingprevious narrative shortcomings of single direction, but formsbi-directional, multi-layered, interactive exchanges of rhetoric narrativeform. In addition, analyzing the location of individual readers in theprocess of reading makes the text become an opening multiple space,which also reflects the classic narrative theory of inclusive and opening.
Keywords/Search Tags:Narrative as rhetoric, applying author, readers narrative, rhetorical strategies, Course, sound
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