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The Contemporary Clothing Ethics

Posted on:2013-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WangFull Text:PDF
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Ethics clothing and adornment is a subject study on moralphenomena and reveal the func-tion of application area in ethicsclothing culture, including clothing ethics activities, clothing ethicsconsciousness, and these related content. Through the explorescontemporary clothing ethics, we can regulate the development ofcontemporary clothing, provide standard for the se-lection of clothingand adornment, solve the moral problem of contemporary dress,provide some ethical idea about dress and trends suggest. This articlemainly uses applied ethics re-search methods, explores our countrycontemporary ethics clothing and adornment, summariz-ing andconcluding definition of ethics clothing and adornment by thecombination of document theory study and time problems to seekethics clothing and adornment issues and the solutions in practice. Thisarticle analysis and discuss mainly from the following aspects:Chapter Ⅰ, research on the origin and developing history of ethicsclothing and adornment. Clear the definition of ethics clothing andadornment by backward apparel origin and card ap-parel developinghistory. Compare apparel developing history and interpret ethicsclothing and adornment differences between Chinese and western toseal the relative inheritance and rigor of Chinese traditional ethicsclothing and adornment and the variability and inclusiveness ofwest-ern apparel. Summarize ethical change of traditional appareldeveloping to modern apparel.Chapter Ⅱ, changes of ethics clothing and adornment after thereform and opening-up and the research. Changes of ethics clothingand adornment after the reform and opening-up started with culture toliberate human, equalize freedom and respect for personal orientation.Mean-while ethics clothing and adornment is moving away from politics, weakening or even digesting. And more emphasis on theprofessional ethics and beyond by foreign culture in national impact atthe same time, the international dress is improved, and embodies theworld the role of citizen.Chapter Ⅲ, raises an issue of ethics clothing and adornment causedafter the reform and opening-up. Ethics clothing and adornment issuesdirectly affect peoples living environment arising out ecologicalpollution, animal slaughter, and luxury consumption. And dress ethicalguidance of aphasia individualism and ethical resolve the crisis, anddress ethics spirit in west-ernization and national costumes, dressconcept and morality, between the open and keep.Chapter Ⅳ, researches on standard and trend of China’s modernethics clothing and adornment. This article presents five principles ofmodern ethics clothing and adornment: envi-ronmental protection, noharm, simplicity, respecting for others and integrating the truth, goodand beauty. These principles point to the apparel ethical problemsafter reform and opening-up respectively. Finally, concludes with trendsof contemporary ethics clothing and adornment is to recover thesimple and come to moral restraint.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ethics clothing and adornment, Apparel spirit, Theliberation of personality, Dress code
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