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Noble Education Tragedy

Posted on:2013-08-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330371970106Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern society boasting of progress is more and more ignorant in the inflateddesire and arrogance. The bestial life is forcing each soul who is unwilling to sink tointrospect on the root of this unworthy life difficultly. As the eyes which get intoeyeholes see their own back only by the alien thing, modern people who want to gainan insight into oneself extremely need a deep understanding of the ancients.Shouldering the future of person and society, education should be the first to makesuch efforts. The Apology of Socrates is really a great starting point. The conflictbetween philosophy and politics is revealed directly in education and towards aclimax by the Death of Socrates. Tübingen School reminds us that the true philosophynot offers the entire of itself to enthusiasts, but wants to be looked for. I carefullyscrutinized the illogical expressions that deliberately left over in the text of Plato inorder to find the road of rise and fall by solving the solution of these contradictions.Socrates went to court with the death will, and started with the truth. Subsequently, herefuted two accusers, and leaded to the city-state’s ignorance evidenced with thewords of Meletus in order to expose the corruption of Athens. At the same time, hesuggested that the philosopher should rethink the preservation of himself andphilosophy from the consequence of his uncontrolled behaviors. After demolishingthe slander and misunderstanding easily, Socrates began to show what wasphilosopher: stick to truth. As a philosopher, he not only took care of his own soul, butalso brought the serious lack of city-states into light form the reverse side. Facing theruling of guilty, Socrates discussed with the philosopher how to live in the city-statewith the seeming that he was talking wryly about the right attitude from city-states.Death is the bad thing which is avoided with all public’s strength, so we can worshipthe unrivalled greatness of Socrates from his willing of death: for a better life,city-states and philosopher must adopt my death as a warning!Following the hidden clues left over by philosopher, there are three levels at leastabout tragedy in the Apology of Socrates. The first is the public tragedy that goodperson suffers ill luck or beauty is destroyed in front of people. Hegel’s tragedy which is the second lay is the confrontation between two correct will. The city-state has theright to hold their lives, but Socrates represents the rise of the higher spirit. The thirdis Sisyphus - the impasse what the human can not get rid. The city-state can never besuch as the philosopher who can look beyond himself. Adjusting the balance of goodand evil is the only good thing it should do at any time. However, the philosopherwho lives in the cave but yearns for the sun must maintain silence when he isloneliness. Therefore, the philosopher Socrates who had an insight into the bothaspects consciously chose the death the most effective way to make correspondingefforts which overtops Jesus’. On the one hand, he directly educated the city-state,which was becoming disintegration, that it should pursue the truth and the good, onthe other veiled hand, he profoundly warned the philosopher that the cautious wordsand deeds was the most beneficial things on their own and the city-state. Thephilosopher Socrates died of education, but the thing which should never be forgottenis that his travail without regret more clearly shows that: education is the best shelterwhere the philosopher dwells and buries in the earth. Education, which connects thephilosopher with the city-state closely, is the key to human’s happiness. As the way ofleading a better life, the nature of education has just been exposed eternally at thispoint.
Keywords/Search Tags:philosopher, education, polis, death
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