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"not A Not B" Format And Teaching Chinese As A Foreign Language

Posted on:2013-11-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330371469640Subject:Foreign Language Teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
“非A不B”format is used very frequently in modern Chinese .Recently ,"非A不B”format have remarkable achievements in research, which is mainly in lasted forevolution ,types and its syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Studying it not only allowspeople to correctly use“非A不B”format for communication, but also conducive to theteaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language. The object of this paper is mainly foreignstudents, summarize and analyze the errors of they use“非A不B”format, andsummarize the types and reasons. So we can put forward some teaching Suggestions.The paper is divided into four parts:Part one: Introduction. This part is divided into four parts: the topic selection reasonand meaning, research review, research methods and corpus source. This section includthe select“非A不B”format for the study of causes and significance of the study. Theresearch status o“f非A不B”format is included syntax, semantics ,pragmatics, type andteaching strategies. And detail the four major research methods and the language scopeof researching.Part two:“非A不B”format parsing. This part mainly includes four parts: First,“非A不B”format parsing,including the meaning and function of“非”,“不”, the compositianof“A”“B”,the parsing of“非A不B”.Two, semantic analysis, this part mainly includ thesubjective and objective ,analysis the three types of“非A不B”format——“非A不VP”、“非A不可(不成,不行)”and“非A”semantic analysis.Three,pragmatic analysis,thispart is focus on default and the color justice analysis.Four,comparing with the format“非A不B”and“非A才B”.Part three: Error analysis. This part is divided into four parts. The first partdiscusses the basic theory of error analysis, involving the bias, types, causes, and biasanalysis of the steps and significance, and this part is the foundation for the back of thediscourse. The second part is the questionnaire survey, including the purpose of thesurvey, object, content and the results of the analysis. The third part is according to thequestionnaire,analysis of the errors, there are four main types.The last part ,analysis ofbias causes, the reasons for the bias into both subjective and objective.Part four: Teaching suggestions. There are four parts. One,strengthening“非A不 B”format research and focus on the body and the integration of teaching Chinese asforeign language study. Two,the effective teaching method, the method should flexible,especially alternative teaching and teaching situations.Third, the scientific arrangementof materials.Teaching materials are not well, so scientific arrangement of materials isvery important .Four, construction of high efficiency of classroom teaching, teachers andstudents should strengthen the interaction.
Keywords/Search Tags:“非A不B”, type, parsing Syntax analysis, error analysis, teaching suggestions
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