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Tuguan · Lausanne Is Nima Study

Posted on:2013-11-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q J LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330362965038Subject:Religious Studies
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
3rd Tuguan Thuvu-bkwan-blo-bzang-chos-kyi-nyi-ma, a well-known Buddhist of Gelu Sect,granted as Khotokto in Tsing Dynasty, was ever entitled the chairmen of Amdo Tibetan YouningTemple, Taer Temple and Xiaqiong Temple. As a most famous Buddhist, historian, and literaturemaster he was widely recognized and had a great number of book collections including the originof Tibetan Buddhism Sects, Zhangjia’s biography,the history of Youning Temple, all of whichwere broadly spread and praised and even studied and explored by generations of TibetanBuddhists and national and international scholars of Tibetan Study.On a basis of first-hand materials in the Tibetan and Han language, in the guidance ofMarxism’s Religious Value, in run of Religious Science, History, Sociology, Documentation,comparison science and field exploration, the essay examines Tuguan’s previous and later heirs,Youning Temple, his life and religious contribution as well as sect theories. The introduction parton the basis of previous studies, mainly introduced the research background, research significance,literature review, research methods, and the structure of thesis. First of all, the introduction iswritten to examine the origin of Tuguan’s previous and later heirs, brief introduction of Tuguan’sprevious and later heirs, the history of Youning Temple, and discussed the origin of “Tuguan”, andhistoric, political and religious status of Youning Temple and the relation between Youning templeand Tuguan, all of which are regarded important backgrounds of studyingThuvu-bkwan-blo-bzang-chos-kyi-nyi-ma in general. The second chapter of his life mainlyexplores his exact birth date, who identified his identity, the process of being a Buddhist, themasters, the process of impartment of Buddhism and his death and rebirth, and on these basisdiscusses the education of Tibetan Buddhism temples and the relationship between Hofus. Thethird chapter shows the his great achievements in political, religious and academic aspects byelaborating “The entitlement in Pekin and Assistance of Zhangjia”,“the chairmen of severaltemples”,“a big collection of books”. In the fourth chapter, based on deeply understanding theorigin of Tibetan Buddhism Sects, the author understands Tuguan’s religious theories, which areobjective even though relatively limited, excellence of Buddhism theories and fantasticachievement of Tibetan Buddhism practice. The final chapter, based on the studies of the previousfour chapters, in general concludes the theoretical characteristics, value, religious contribution andpersonal limitations of him (as a famous Huofo of Tibetan Buddhism Gelu Sect).He was eminent in Tsing Dynasty, playing very important role in politics and religion of thatperiod and making profound effects on next generations. Studying him as a famous Buddhist ofTibetan Buddhism in the history, is of high academic value and social significance; it provides a great number of materials of understanding the essence of Gelu Sect religious theories, the politicsof how Tsing Government managed Tibet, education of Tibetan Huofo and the relation betweenHuofo and their temples; it gives a model of studying the right ways to practice Tibetan Buddhismand understand it and understanding social phenomenon of Tibetan Buddhism; it is considered as agauge used to normalize today’s Buddhist’s behaviors and manners and is good for theconstruction of today’s spiritual civilization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thuvu-bkwan-blo-bzang-chos-kyi-nyi-ma, Tuguan’s previous and later heirs, A Life, Political and religious achievement, Religious theories
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