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The Function Of Plitical Parties In Process Of Plitical Democratization

Posted on:2013-10-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2236330362462797Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Democracy is a very old topic, which is always concerned about by people.Democracy is the ideal of human political life as well as a manifestation of freedom ofthe human subject. From the direct democracy in the West in ancient Greece and Rometo modern representative democracy and then to today’s hot deliberative democracy,the democratization process has never stopped. Political parties have been playing anincreasingly important role since its inception in political life. Moreover, they have avery close relationship with the political democratization. Western developed countrieshave entered the stage of democratization in the process of which political partiesindeed play a very important role.China is a socialist country with multi-party cooperation under the leadership ofof the Communist Party. As a ruling party, Communist Party plays a huge,irreplaceable role in promoting the construction of China’s socialist democratic politics.Therefore, to study the role of political parties in the political process ofdemocratization has great theoretical and practical significance in how China’sCommunist Party promote the democracy from the political level to the national one.This thesis is to proceed from the basic concepts of political parties, democracyand democratization, and states the views and understanding of different scholars onthe political parties and democratic. Then this paper described the process of politicalparties where we can see that the political parties are the product of politicaldemocratization. And then the political parties play a very important role in thedemocratization of politics. On the one hand, due to competition between politicalparties within democracy, political parties, supervision, cooperation, and other factorsmake the political parties play a huge role in promoting political democratization; Onthe other hand, due to the oligopolistic tendency of political parties, the convergencebetween the political parties, corruption of the political parties, the weakened functionof political parties representatives of society people and other factors ,the politicalparties impede the development of political democratization in a way. In the western developed country political parties in the process of political democratization in therole of research, the author puts forward to want to strengthen inner-party democracy,give full play to the function of democratic supervision political party, handle therelation of Party and government and the relationship between the party and the masses,to play the greatest degree of Party’s positive effect, reduce its negative effect, promoteChina’s political democratization.
Keywords/Search Tags:political parties, democracy, political democratization, function
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