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Study On Lao Tzu’s Opposition To The Proceedings Of Wen

Posted on:2014-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C X LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398977076Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Tao" is the core concept of philosophy of Lao Tzu; dialectics is the fundamental method when he explains the nature, society, life and way of thinking. In general opinion,"Tao" contains everything in the world and the highest level of the dialectical unity is "Being" and "Not-being". By so far, in the academic circles no one put forward questions such as does "Tao" have opposition or not? Does "Tao" act as a part in a dialectical unity or not?In order to prove that "Tao" have the opposite the author start from the presetting "Tao" and the real "Tao". The presetting "Tao" has no opposite; but the real "Tao" has the opposite."No Tao" and "not Tao" is both the logical opposite of "Tao", what is more,"Learning","rites" and "men" are always put as opponents of "Tao". So in the minds of Lao Tzu "Tao" has the opposite.What is a suitable word to sum up the opposites of "Tao"? The author thinks the word is "Wen", Because Lao Tzu objects to "Wen" directly. In addition, he praises the opposite concept of "Wen" such as "element","simple".In philosophy,"Tao" and "Wen" form of dialectical category, its total program is from "Wen" to "Tao"."Tao" constantly denies it’s opposite and in fact this process is a self denial. Thus, the author concludes that "the Supreme Being" in Lao Tzu’s philosophy is not "Tao" but is a "Tao is hidden and unknown" state after "Tao" self negation.From dialectical relationship between "Wen" and "Dao", the author deduced Lao Tzu’s views on "Wen"."Everyone knows the beauty as beauty, so the ugly breeds; everyone knows that good is good, the bad breeds." So when all the people saw the positive energy of "Wen", the negative value of "Wen" also breeds. On Lao Tzu’s opinion,"Wen" be of great temptation, great deceptiveness and exploitation.From "Wen" negative value, Lao Tzu denies "Wen" in the all fields as follows:on the politics, he was against the existing political structure and order, advocates "inaction". On the economy, he opposed the annexation of land, advocates a "neighbors cross neighbors but saying nothing" state. On the culture, he was against all deliberate cultivation measures, praises the innate "fool". On the military, he was against all active mergers war, advocates defensive strategy and non-war status. On the technology, he opposed to pursuit "smart" technology, advocated a naive state. Because of this, Zhang Dainian called Lao Tzu "the first cultural critic" in the history of China...
Keywords/Search Tags:Wen, Tao, Tao and Wen dialectical category
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