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A Study Of The Case, Aspect, Voice And Mood In Wutun Language

Posted on:2014-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398969133Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper attempts to apply the theory of language contact to make a description and analysis on aspect,voice and mood of Wutun language from perspectives of word order, case markers, common grammatical verb categories and other aspects.On the basis,we try to make a synchronic comparison and contrast with the neighboring Chinese dialects as well as the Tibetan of the Amode region language in order to make a further study of the profound impacts,which language contact between Chinese and Tibetan language has had on Wutun language;at the same time, we made a preliminary inquiry on theoretical issues of language contact and language mixture.The article consists of the following parts:The Introduction introduces the present research situations,research methods,research objectives, research value and corpus sources of Wutun language.Chapter one introduces geographical and humanistic backgrounds of Wutun language as basis,then has a brief description of the phonology of Wutun language, as well as a brief of vocabulary and grammatical features of Wutun language.We believe,the phonetic system of the Wutun language is heavily influenced by Tibetan language.The pattern of its initials and finals slant towards Tibetan language,and there is no tone;Vocabulary are more likely to be the impact of the Chinese.Chinese vocabularies advantage out in total quantity in Wutun language, more importantly, from the distribution point of view, the more it concerns with the basic and core vocabularies, the higher the proportion of Chinese words account. Grammatical structures of Wutun language and Tibetan are broadly similar as well as functions,by contrast Chinese grammar has the less impact on Wutun language, its influence is weak.Chapter two discusses the word order and case markers of Wutun language. We believe, the types of word order of Wutun language are heavily influenced by Tibetan language, the word order strictly adopts the pattern of "SOV";Wutun language has ample case markers,especially the first person and second person pronouns in the Wutun language are opposite to each other in the aspect of "ergative" and "absolutive". Although it is not purely ergative language, but do have such characteristics. Chapter three briefly introduces verb general characteristics of Wutun language,on the basis,we investigate categories of aspect, voice and mode and adverbial verbs.We believe,the verbs of Wutun language have ample morphological changes. A variety of additional components can be connected after the verb, which can give new lexical meaning and grammatical meaning to the verb. Most of these additional components are evolved on the basis of Chinese materials,but they have qualitative differences with the original Chinese language, which embody different categories of aspect, voice and mode. The Wutun language may also be affected by the Baoan language. For example, there are adverbial verb endings such as paralleling, immediately, assuming, premising, concession and welcoming in the Wutun language, which parallel to those of Bonan language. These adverbial verbs enjoy high frequencies in the Wutun language, and also play a very important role in sentences.Chapter four is the rest of the conclusions.On the basis of the main previous explores,we discuss the impact of language contact on Wutun language, focusing on levels and manners of language contact, and then position the characteristics of Wutun language under the influence of language contact. We believe that Wutun language is a kind of mixed language which has the deep contact with Chinese language and Tibetan language, at the same time influenced by other neighboring national languages. Wutun language shows the comprehensive and orderly organic integration of heterogeneous elements of different language systems in a new language.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wutun language, language contact, case, aspect, voice, mood, mixed language
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