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The Constructivism Of Modern Independent Personality By The Perspective Of Marx’s Anthropology

Posted on:2014-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X K FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398955870Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis is based on the Marx’s anthropology, combined with psychology,sociology andother disciplines concerning of the theory of human’s development and personality’s formation,scientifically defines the formation and connotation of Marx’s modern independent personalityideal, searches the basic value of Marx’s anthropology, constructs a unity of ideal and reality ofmodern independent personality and based on the survival development of the current reality ofhuman destiny in order to look for a safe way to provide a reference for human meaning.The first part is the introduction. This part mainly explains the methods, the significance, thereview and the innovation of the research domestic and abroad. The characteristic of the thesis ismainly the innovation of the content, namely, the modern western rational construction ofindependent personality, the connotation of Marx’s modern independent personality ideal,construction of the unity of ideal and reality of modern independent personality.The second part is the modern dilemma of development and rational thinking of theindependent personality. First, it scientifically defines the modern independent personality by theperspective of Marx’s anthropology; and then explains the representations and reasons of theplight of development of the independent personality in modern society; and finally it discussesrational thinking of the modern predicament of independent personality by the western liberal,nationalist and Marxist. Liberals advocate reason and freedom, nationalists believe the freedomis under the law and the state, and Western Marxists propose the reconstruction of humanitarianideals in order to realize the real independence of personality.The third part is the formation and connotation of Marx’s modern independent personality deal.Marx’s modern independent personality thought is mainly embodied in his different works andexperienced germination, development and mature these three stages. Marx’s modernityindependent personality thought is made up of freedom, independence and creativity. It requiresthat people who as the subject neither depend on any external spiritual authority, nor depend onany real political power. It requires people actively grasp and transform the object by theory andpractice in order to achieve the human’s purpose, and make the subject itself get complete andfree development. In the fourth part, it constructs the unity of ideal and reality of modern independent personality.Marx’s modern independent personality thought depicts an ideal personality development for us,but how could we turn the ideal into reality? According to the author, first, the value orientationof the ability standard should be established, the way of people’s thinking should be changed,and the form of personality from the traditional dependent personality should be changed into themodern independent personality; Second, we should reform the system of culture and education,set up the idea of whole person education, change the mode of rigid traditional education, andestablish the education idea that innovation is the essential element at the first place; Finally, weshould improve and perfect the social system and shape mechanism of modern independentpersonality, mainly perfect the modern market economic system, perfect the modern democracyand legal system, and perfect culture mechanism in accordance with the rules of the developmentof personality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx’s anthropology, modernity, independent personality
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