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A Comparative Study Of Two Chinese Bible Versions-the CUV And The CNV

Posted on:2014-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398954769Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Bible is not only the canon of Christianity, but also a very important part ofWestern culture.The Bible has been translated into many languages from the biblicallanguages of Hebrewand Greek. Indeed, it has been translated into2261languages,excluding the dialect versions in the same languages. Since the day when it was created,the Bible has made a profound influence on the history of human civilization.The Bible was first translated into Chinese by Nestorians in the Tang Dynasty. Sincethen, the Chinese Bibletranslation began its long and tough development. Later, after thedevelopment in the Yuan, Ming,and Qing dynasties, the Chinese Bible translation reachedits peak, which was marked by thepublication of the Chinese Union Version (CUV).Sincethe CUV was published in1919,it has been the most popular Chinese version. Now,nearly a century has passed, although many new Chinese Bible versions have beentranslated after CUV, the authorized position of the CUV has never beenthreatened. Whatdistinguished characteristics of the CUV contribute to its popularity? What s theweakness of the CUV comparing to other versions? Would there be a better versionsuperior to the CUV?In this thesis, the author first focuses on the development of theChinese Bibletranslation and discusses the main Chinese versions in different history backgrounds withdifferent intentions, principles and features. Then the author explores the historicalsettings of the Chinese Union Version and the New Chinese Version (CNV), as well astheir textual basis and translating principles.Through the comparative studies of thetwoversions in many aspects, including the language and sentence structures, the featuresof the twoversions are made clear. In order to obtain first-hand materials about readers responses to thetwo versions, the author conducted a survey among the Christians andnon-Christians.The findings of this research may give valuable suggestions for the futureChinese Bible translation....
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese Bible Translation, Comparative Study, the CUV, the CNV, Reception of Readers
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