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From Rebellion To Unity

Posted on:2014-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398954376Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
John Steinbeck is one of the most important writers in the20thAmericanliterary history. The Grapes of Wrath, published in1939, is his most successful andinfluential work. Since its publication it has been drawing attention from critics bothat home and abroad. With the help of the theory of Archetypal Criticism, this thesisanalyzes character relationships and their archetypes in The Grapes of Wrath andthereby reveals the unique thinking of Steinbeck about the life of people living at thebottom of American society.This thesis consists of three parts: the introduction, the body and the conclusion.The introduction is a chief introduction to the background of The Grapes of Wrath andits main content, its literature review both at home and abroad and the layout of thethesis. The body part includes three chapters. Chapter one analyzes the relationship ofrebellion among the characters and its archetype. It mainly focuses on the females’rebellion and the Oklahomans’ rebellion. Chapter two explores the relationship ofinheritance among the characters and its archetype. It probes into the relationship ofinheritance between Jim and Tom, and between Ma Joad and Rose of Sharon. On thebasis of what has been explored in Chapters one and two, chapter three examines theeventual unity of the characters and its archetype. It mainly explores the unity of theJoad family and the unity of the disadvantaged group. The conclusion partsummarizes the main points of this thesis and restates the intention of Steinbeck ingrounding the character relationships in his novel on the biblical archetypes: femalesare as powerful as males, especially in the time of social turmoil, and therefore shouldbe equally treated in family and society; the influence and inheritance among peopleis a great force to promote social progress; and only when the working people getunited can they achieve final victory.
Keywords/Search Tags:John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath, character relationship, archetype
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