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On The MoZi "Universal Love" And Its Chinese Society Influence

Posted on:2014-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y D FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398481560Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Universal love" is the core areas of the Mohist thought. During the spread of Mohism in the2000years, there have been "absolutely" still exists, but its influence and impact on Chinese society in a variety of form.This article begins with the introduction section which describes the significance of the topic of the paper, current research, research methods and the innovation and inadequacies.The first chapter briefly descries the background of the times and the theoretical basis of the idea of MoZi "universal love". It draws a conclusion that Mohism comes from "summer ritual" and Confucian via literature analysis. Then I analyzes the exposition of the specific content of the "universal love" and thinking proces Mohist "universal love". Because MoZi develops under the tutelage of Confucianism, so the final section of this chapter, I make a comparison analysis between the Confucian idea of "love" and Mohist "universal love". And it comes an idea that the Confucian has benevolence in theory, but universal love can overcome this paradox.The second chapter is the main analysis on features of "universal love" thinking. The idea of "universal love" is of reciprocity, equality and fantasy. Mohist "universal love" thinking has an higher ethical dimensions in the moral high ground."Universal love" equality is also characterized by relatively Confucian "love the poor", so this equality is also doomed the idea of "universal love" with theoretically perfect and practice defects, and fantasy. As fantasy is the core category of "universal love", so it will already affect the entire spread of Mohism. From the further analysis on the fantasy of "universal love". It comes reasons about declination, shortcomings and deficiencies of "universal love", as well as the political and cultural impact of policies introduced by Han Dynasty era "abandon100, Only Confucianism", in addition to the lack of regulatory mechanisms. These are the objective and subjective reasons.Chapter3is the ideological impact on Chinese society of MoZi "universal love" Mohism once decline, but its influence still exists, which has a certain influence development on the emergence and development of Taoism. In the late Qin Dynasty, due to the efforts of the founding fathers, Mohism in modern times has been rehabilitated and developed. The idea of "universal love" also has a profound influence on the spread and development of modern Chinese Christian, and the modern spirit of fraternity and ideas of socialism and modern Chinese Personality.
Keywords/Search Tags:MoZi, Universal Love, Chinese Society, Impact
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