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The Collection And Study Of The Unearthed Ancient Writing Material In Jiangsu Province

Posted on:2014-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398479788Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jingnsu Province is located in Jianghuai Plain which geography position is very important.There are vast plain, fertile land,rich natural resources.a large number of specialty and historically known as the land of plenty.Jiangsu Province has a long history and cultural diversity.The culture has both noth and south colors.Before the20th century,Jiangsu has had unearthed ancient writing material.After the20th century,with the development of archaeological research,a large number of ancient writing material are discovered in Jiangsu.These materials have important significance for region culture, history and geography of Jingsu.But so far,the distribution of these matierals is more fragment,not unified collection.In this paper, on the basis of previous studies,the auther brings the ancient writing material unearthed in Jiangsu together.then dose a preliminary collection and study based on the archaeological excavation report.The introduction part mainly introduced the overview of Jiangsu Province unearthed ancient writing material,the related research,the research purposes.the significance and methods.The main part is the compile of different type of ancient writing before the Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty,including sixty-two pieces of bronze wares,ninty-one pieces of XinYin.four pieces of currencies,two pieces of pottery,one piece of hollow brick.When writing,give inscription rubbings and pictures of implements first,then a brief description of implements and transforming inscription to traditional scribt.As to the controversial word,we list the different version of scholars,then choose the better view.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jiangsu Province, ancient writing, collect and study
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